VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, January 16, 2012

Johor Premium Outlet Mall

Well, everyone seems to be flocking to this new mall. We set out late in the afternoon to see how to find it, as the only information we could find was GPS coordinates.  Seems that the coordinates given in the online document were a bit 'off'. But then, why would we be surprised? Joining the traffic jam of all times, we muddled our way there; a couple of times passing by; but unable to enter because there was no off ramp.  Finally, after another toll road entrance, we asked at the booth - 'how do we get into the new mall?"  Answer was, just take this 'off road' beyond our booth, and follow the road.   It worked.  But really, it was like a giant loop around a couple of highways - good thing there is lots of land to waste on getting into a mall.  It was configured much like a turn off to any other street or road, but it took in several kilometres in order to complete the journey.  Finally at the destination, we joined the shoppers and saw what was there to offer all of us.

It felt much like Palm Springs - palm trees, cobbled paths, and upscale retailers with very nice properties.  Had a frozen caramel coffee drink and began our tour.  Here are a couple of pictures to see what we saw.
This is the main area as you arrive - very upscale for the 'hood'

A local chocolatier opened there too - but unlike one you would see in North America, they sell M & M's Cadbury, and other 'common' treats alongside their own.  Sorry Marc I didn't buy any. Next time I will and send my report.

Kind of the main street of the main floor of the mall.  You will see Polo, Burberry, Levi, Coach, Gucci, and the lovely Shanghai Tang.  I looked at Shanghai Tang and the least costly item I found was a lovely silk kimono for a reduced new grand opening special of RM2800.  (that comes in around $900 CAD.  Not really in my budget.  So, Jenn don't hold your breath in April around your birthday.  I would almost have to use my entire earnings for that one.

Now that I have a flow of internet and am home, will report the days events. Yesterday, my friend and I flitted off to JB as she is enthralled with the Jusco Mall there. Funny, because I was jealous of her location that had more foods than I can find in my wee town.  Anyway, I could constantly smell something like a burned out candle.  I finally pulled into a petrol and asked them to check out my car. Finding nothing and giving thumbs up, they sent me on my way home. Again, getting home, the same burned candle. So, this morning, again, off to work through the maze, and again the burned candle smell, but this time more intense. I managed to get to my base school and contact the car person. Eventually he had someone arrive with a replacement buggy.  Now I am thinking I might just build a little lean to behind my house and hide this new one there.  I have REAL side view mirror adjusters. I played with them all the way home, just because I could. Also put on the air conditioning - which I never use, because it could adjust it to feet, mid car, and upper car levels too. Then I began playing with the radio tuner. It was set for some nice relaxing music but suddenly changed to some reporter speaking in a  very guttural ( I assume German) dialect, so pushed another button to find myself at BBC news, then further exploration took me to a preset Singapore Symphony that I have on my own car, whenever I can pick it up.  So, an enjoyable trip home with playing with gadgets along the route.  So, you see why I might just try to hide it. Yes, and even the seats adjust. Wow. My own car needs to be set to the furthest back in order for me to fit in the leg room. Most of you know that this is very odd. Imagine what a tall person must do.  Anyway, this puppy lets me adjust the seat forward/back, height, and even back slant. Wow again.  The only downside is that the car stinks. Someone must have carted durian in it. But what the heck a bit of florient could fix that up. Backing into my car park I kept hearing a wee beeping sound somewhere. This one even has a backup signal to let me know when I am about to hit a wall.

So, there you have it. Today's adventure. And, no fire, at least not while I was driving the chariot.  Now time to mark exams that I administered to the mentees today.

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