VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I am winning the battle with the 'cold'

Feeling much better than the past few days, so willing to venture out to forage for food.  I am meeting a friend in JB who wants to take me to some different places she has found, so maybe I will actually locate some North American sustenance for the belly on this trip.  If not, that is OK, I need to drop a few pounds anyway.  I really need to find a decent coffee vendor.  After the interlude of Canada coffee it is difficult to get back into thinking the stuff here is good.  Odd, isn't it that Canada does not produce coffee, yet they provide a superior product to the place that actually grows the stuff. Being amid a nation of tea and cordial drinkers might be the reason. I stopped in at Rosmerah for my frozen drink yesterday and asked where Faizal was.  Seems he too took advantage of the holiday season and headed home to his roots in India.  That leaves only one other who I can converse with until his return. But the other guys and myself are pretty good at miming our words, so we should be able to manage during his absence. It was nice to see their broad grins when they saw I was back.

A friend from Canada called me for technical support for some new phone purchase. Those of you who know my technical ability are likely having a good laugh.  I wonder how they feel now, knowing they know less than myself in regard to using and setting up cell phone applications.  For some reason my Blackberry address book looks like a dog's breakfast.  I cannot figure out how it messed up like it did, and have not had the energy to fix it so far.  Also discovered that the Blackberry messenger over here is not a freebie like it is at home. I was delighted to be able to message with Jenn daily but looks like I have to pay for a plan for this function here. That means using the 'old fashioned' method of communication with her - Skype and e-mail!

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