VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, January 7, 2012

what happened on Saturday

And still I wait.  For the elusive sticker for my car.  But I have used my waiting time well. Many files uploaded to my new wiki, whenever the Internet rears it’s ugly head and lets me in.  And, foraging through my pantry and freezer to find what there is to prepare for the evening meal.  Which brings me to this entry.  I created a rather fine repast from what was here.  I defrosted a little mound – probably about 1/3 of a boneless chicken breast and wielded my handy cleaver over some dried apricots and fresh garlic.  Sautéed these little bits in a splash of oil and then sprinkled the mass with enough ground cinnamon and turmeric to change the colour to a rich golden reddish hue.  Then a dash of water – maybe a cup or so and left it to bubble while the handy dandy rice cooker steamed some brown fragrant rice and barley mixture.  Before you turn you nose up at  this, try it.  It was actually company fare.  So, if you are resistant to this one, better not visit me.  There are even leftovers for tomorrow.  I don’t understand why I feel the need to consume an entire chicken breast when I barbecue one and yet this little bit of food was more than enough.  All washed down with some g & t that I distilled in the Brita to avoid any further headaches caused by the local product. And it works. And best of all - the Schwepps lid broke so it only trickles out of the can - meaning it won't go flat in the fridge.

Now should not waste this precious internet time. Better get back to the wiki.

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