VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, January 23, 2012

Yes, yesterday was New Year's Day

I took to my bed early, after the raucous display of fireworks that entertained me the night before. At 11 pm I was again jolted out of my bed to the hissing, sizzling, and blasting of yet another display of fire in the sky.  As I recall, last year, on the day I moved into my house, there was such a blast of fireworks I was convinced we were being invaded by enemies. Sadly, for me, the date was Februrary 15th.  It is now only January 24th. So does that mean I have three more weeks of this?  Probably.

I am enjoying the break.  Many colleagues dashed off on flights, road trips, and boarder crossings in the quest to spend money quickly on the one week break. I have opted to stay home, regroup, and get ready for the weeks ahead at work.  I amaze myself at what little I have produced. I spent the entire day in front of the television two days ago - watching anything English.  There are many documentaries on the news channel which catch my eye, but they tend to repeat themselves frequently. I even re-watched those. In a fashion, I did multi task, and got a lot of paper sorting done, schedules filed, and laundry washed. Then yesterday, a friend dropped in at noon and we realized we had sat and drank coffee and tea for five hours - not moving from out chairs except to refill our cups.  Today I need to be a bit more productive. I have a friend arriving for a few days, from Taiwan.  She is from Japan, and wants to see my part of the world. Could be a bit difficult - everyone is still on vacation here due to the new year.  So, waterfalls and beaches come to mind for that showing. And maybe a drive to one of my schools so she can see what they look like in Malaysia.

Now to override the procrastination I just might create my two week schedule for when I return to work.  Not an easy task, which is why I have been resisting doing this.  Trying to schedule visits with 25 people in 5 locations is not the easiest thing to do. Having to take into account that each of these 25 people have schedules of their own that do not mesh with others, plus factoring in travel time to each place makes it a bit of a rubric cube to plan.  Well, I do like puzzles, so I guess I will just approach it like a game.

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