VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, January 23, 2012

Year of The Dragon and ME - or more drivel

I am always fascinated with the Chinese Horoscope and New Year forecasts.  I am an Ox, and reading further, I seem to be an Earth Ox.  For those that know me, you can see how accurate the description of me is with what follows.

Obstinate, Pouty, Truthful, Motivated, Friendly, Apathetic, Genuine, Quick-tempered

I am taking the next writing as a bit of a compliment after seeing a few of the less than flattering characteristics I posses.

The most reliable and diligent Oxen belong to this collection of Oxen. The Earth element balances many of their negative characteristics. These Oxen are show good judgement, a good characteristic for successful financial dealings. Other people tend to look up to Earth Oxen because of their reliability, sincerity and their modest ambitions. They are willing to tackle the workload when it become overbearing for others and are loyal and compassionate with family and friends.

One statement for the forecast this year drew my attention.  Guess it is because I do tend to say things as they are and quit ignoring the 'elephant' in the living room.  

Our friend, the  Ox will push us forward mercilessly, to make us face the realities of our existence, the shape of things as they really are.

take a look at the various sites for Chinese Horoscopes for your own sign and predictions - if you feel like it.

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