VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, January 5, 2012

can't go to work today

Here in Malaysia there is some sticker system for the cars that denote we have paid a road tax.  Our leased cars have a central office that gets these stickers for us, but somehow they have managed to miss that step.  Now, with an expired road tax sticker I have been advised that I must not drive the car until the new sticker is on the car.  I have talked with the central office on a few occasions this week and each time they advised me that the sticker is being couriered to me. To date, nothing has arrived.  When I called last night again, advising I must be at work this morning in JB, they assured me that a sticker will be in my hands this morning.  Nothing yet.

So, I sit and wait at home, for the elusive sticker.  I passed a police check yesterday on my way to work, and wondered where I would be if waved over because of the sticker issue that would be an 'issue' today. I do not want to find out.  Perhaps no insurance in a foreign country and a collision is more than I could cope with. When I explained this to the boss, he said, just go anyway and if pulled over, explain that the sticker is on the way. Don't think I will do that.  Explaining to my boss that I chose to obey the 'no go' option today feels a lot easier than the latter.

Looks like a good day to do some laundry.  Sun is shining, breeze is blowing, and if I am lucky, I will actually get some internet to upload this post and maybe contact my mentees.  My colleague next door is ignoring the issue - driving off with an expired sticker.

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