VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, January 6, 2012

weekend breakfast delivery

Just before 8 am I heard the electronic gate open next door.  Ya, my neighbour was returning home and stopped to call on me. Carrying a small package, she greeted me with 'good morning' and a breakfast offering from somewhere that she picked up on her morning travels.  Vegetarian burger.  I am sure that looking at my size, she felt that I needed two, so two were in the package.  Then, just as quickly as she arrived, she was gone. I thanked her warmly during her exit to her own home.

I am going to have to find out where the heck she found them. I am sure she did not go to JB early in the morning, and these things were mighty tasty.  I only ate one, it was satisfying enough.  Will put the other on hold - maybe for lunch if I am still hold up here waiting for the 'sticker'.  I think perhaps more mayo than I would have chosen was supplied but she was probably again thinking of my North American appetite. All in all it was a tasty treat. And somehow served on a bun that was very much familiar to me. Not one of those latex sponge things you find the in the grocery shops.

One of the gifts I gave her for tending my garden was a hibiscus that was flowering like crazy.  She was apprehensive about taking it, and kind of backed away from it.  After talking about it, she told me she was only comfortable tending green plants and did not know much about flowering plants. Before I left, I told her to plant it on the roadway so that everyone could enjoy it and she would not have to be responsible for its care. I know that hibiscus plants grow wild here so planting it there would require no attention from people, and we could all enjoy the blossoms. My own apparently flowered continuously while I was away and she tended it for me. So, now home, I have taken my own out to the roadway too. Now I need to find a shovel to plant it. I think we need to share what we have and let everyone enjoy the beauty together. Besides, mine is getting a bit frail being cooped up on the patio. You can tell it wants to break out and be free.  And Ya's is like a small tree already - so she chose the new location very well.

You can hear me grumble about Kota Tinggi here on this blog, but given a choice (which I have) I would choose living in Kota Tinggi over JB any day.  When shop keepers in JB ask me where I live, they are shocked to know that I travel from Kota Tinggi on a daily basis. The distance is only about 30 Km right down to the southern border.  But here, local is normal.  These guys have subscribed to the fashionable 100 mile diet for decades and I don't see it changing any time soon.  Yes, there are conveniences in JB that I cannot find here, but the peace, tranquility, safety, and community I experience here overrides any things I can find in a bigger city.  I have made some wonderful friends and have lovely neighbours here that I may be able to find in JB too, but I would be living in a high rise there and a patio garden would not be an option.  Watching my elderly neighbour speed walking by each morning would not happen, watching the various new residents who have moved in down the road walking their way to the factory work would not be an option, and watching the neighbourhood children riding their bikes and playing games would also not be an option.  It is interesting that a year ago my colleagues kind of felt sorry for me being stuck in the boonies, while they took over leases in high rise condos with pools and gyms. I have none of that, but what I have I would not change - at least not right now.  None of them have a neighbour bringing them a veggie burger for breakfast.  In fact, they do not know their neighbours. As long as I have patience to drive to downtown on a Saturday after 11am, waiting in the long line of traffic to cross the only bridge, then I fit in.  Once a week taking almost an hour to drive a distance of 3 km is not really a hardship.  Maybe I exaggerate a bit on the time, but it really is out of proportion to the distance travelled. At least I have a car to drive the trip.  Many locals use their feet.
weekend breakfast in Kota Tinggi (minus the sesame seeds)

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