VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gifts keep flowing in my door

Ya's brother and daughter were back again this evening, Helloing at my gate again.  Embarrassed, I went to the gate to see more gifts.  This time - Jackfruit and MORE oranges.  A whole bag of oranges!. Again, they would not come in; they would not sample the fruits with me either. So I told them that next weekend I would have them all over for tea.  Now I have to figure out what the heck to serve them. They are Buddhist and vegetarian.  I think vegan.  So, what to make or buy? That is a treat?  Help!

I was kinda thinking that I would be the bad western lady influence in their lives and buy chocolate truffles and that sort of thing.  I guess I will ask around at the schools this week.  And, Ya's daughter said her mother wants my phone number.  So, I gave mine to her and took her mother's number as well.  Seems I have been calling her Ya, and her name is actually Yeet.  Close but no banana for that faux pas.  Good grief these people are tolerant.  Remember my chauffeur is named Momar, and I was calling him Zabri, and one of my old mentees is named Nor Azmi, and I called him Momazi for 6 months.  I am sure they all get as good a laugh at me as I have chuckles over their pronunciation of my language.

As for the Jackfruit, I was nervous tasting it in front of them, but after the first aroma that was a bit pungent in the odd aroma, the taste is devine.  Looking online, I found some pictures for you.  I have never bought it because it looks like a close cousin to durian, and we all know about durian.  The pictures also seem to show that it is sectioned into these little chunks much like durian. But that is where the similarity stops. Thank God.  Online description is that these morsels are akin to chicken.  And, you know what, it is kinda like raw chicken. Not at all taste wise, but texture and odd little rubbery shapes. The article goes on to show one of those lovely Asian presentations - little jackfruit boats with dates (I have figs) and pistachios inside. I will skip the honey. I think I will serve myself some of those tonight for an evening snack.  Just happen to have dried figs and almonds in the fridge and a few pistachios too.

What the heck am I going to do when the New Year comes to an end?  I am getting used to this generosity and education to new foods I had been unwilling to try before this.

As usual, I have done some research with this little gem.  Seems they can grow to a size of as much as 36 Kg in weight, 90 cm in length, and 50 cm in diameter

I cannot visualize the dimensions - I am a foot and yard girl. But the Kg I can; only because I translate it to 2.2 pounds.  Holy crow that is 79 pounds!  Glad I was not hired here to harvest jackfruit.

Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Jackfruit 
  • Being rich in potassium, jackfruit has been found to be helpful in the lowering of blood pressure.
  • The extract of Jackfruit root is believed to help cure fever as well as diarrhea.
  • Jackfruit contains phytonutrients, with health benefits ranging from anti-cancer to antihypertensive.
  • The root of this fruit has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from asthma.
  • Jackfruit proves to be a very good source of vitamin C, which is known for its high antioxidant properties.
  • The fruit contains isoflavones, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, all of which are credited for their cancer-fighting properties.
  • Jackfruit is known to contain anti-ulcer properties and is also good for those suffering from indigestion.
  • Boasting of anti-ageing properties, the fruit can help slow down the degeneration of cells and make the skin look young and supple.
  • Jackfruit serves as a good supply of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, for the human body.
  • It is believed that the fruit can help prevent and treat tension and nervousness.
  • Since it contains few calories and a very small amount of fat, jackfruit is good for those trying to lose weight.
  • If you are suffering from constipation, regular consumption of the fruit will surely prove beneficial.
  • The root of jackfruit is said to be good for the treatment of a number of skin problems.
Guess what is going in my smoothie thing tomorrow!

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