VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I shoulda brought my camera

As usual I should have taken the camera. I could not believe how many parents were at the school this morning sending their first born off to school for the first day.  The trauma was greater for the parents than for the kids. Not very different than at home. There were so many cars and people milling about it took me forever to get to the Head Mistress office. I am sure many parents thought they had chosen the wrong school - thinking that this was now an international school, with me there in the midst. I was not here for the first day of school last year, so did not know what to expect.

I have three new mentees join me this year and one leave at my base school.  We held a group meeting and defined what they want in the professional developments this year.  Also beaming like kids in a candy store when the saw the phonic books I brought back with me.  Even moreso when I told them that more than 50 books will be arriving in the mail soon. (Jeepers I hope it is soon)

Now all I have to do is a repeat of today for the other four schools and then down to work after that.  Looking forward to the task. And, yes I will take my camera tomorrow - but then it will not be the first day will it?

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