VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, January 6, 2012

Expedite means different things to different people

I stayed home all day.  Why? Because my car sticker did not arrive. Why? Because it was expedited.  Expedited here does not mean 'quickly' or 'speedily'.  It means 'soon'.  So, I wait.  Another message assures me that it should be here tomorrow.  I have had a lot of tomorrows this week, so I hunkered down and worked on resources for my mentees, since I was going to be here anyway.  It was good. No one disturbing me, I managed to actually set up a little website that contains many resources I have made for the mentees to use in their classrooms.  It was kind of fun.  What the heck, me setting up a website on my own is a coup on it own. Tonight as I channel surf and find nothing worth watching on the tube I am entertained by one of Gordie's new offsprings hanging around one of my batiks paintings. He is so tiny that I was not even sure he was a gecko.  Thought at first that it was a long skinny fly.  He hides behind the painting and peeks out when he thinks the coast is clear. All I have to do is clap my hands when he pokes his nose around the painting and he darts back behind.  I am not sure who is having more fun with this little game - him or me. It is kind of like that K-Tel clapper that was advertised on TV - clap once and turn on a lamp, clap twice to turn it off.  Just goes to show you that TV is not a necessity when you live in the tropics and have geckos in your home.   Probably not an activity that would attract young perspective mentors to the job I am doing though.  Especially touted as a Friday night entertainment.

I kinda fell off the healthy food wagon too.  For some reason ice cream was calling me yesterday on my way home from work. So I responded to the call by picking up a little carton of Wall's chocolate truffle. Feeling guilty, I brought it home and put it in the freezer.  I overcame the guilt and managed to down the carton for dinner tonight.  Probably not the best choice for a meal, but it tasted good.

During the day I turned on the TV to keep me company while I worked.  Ellen with her pre Christmas show, Don't Forget the Lyrics, Martha Stewart making Thanksgiving Dinner, and some daily show called India, a Love Story.  So it looks like I am caught up on TV viewing and can carry on a conversation with others when 'what to watch on the tube' is a topic.  Also picked up a tidbit on why some people get mosquito bites and others do not. This topic is obsessive in this climate  and medical communities all work toward the fix for bites and diseases they cause here.  The tidbit indicated that 1,000,000 people die from malaria here each year. Jennifer, don't pay attention to that statistic.  We won't 'do' malaria; we will stay home at night. They also noted that genes are the factor for getting bitten. So, why is it that the two people in my family who were always plagued by swollen mosquito bites in the summer at home decide to move to this part of the world?

As I was typing I watched little Gilbert sidle over to my family photo gallery on the wall. He is taking a close look at the picture of Levi the super hero.  Probably wants a cape and cap just like the one he sees. I think I will go now and shake him up.  Maybe tomorrow I will have something more interesting to write.  And maybe tomorrow I will be sprung from the property and given my independence once again to burn up the roads and byways with my little buggy complete with a sticker.

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