VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Big Bang Theory

I just found a vendor who stocks the weekly programs we all love back home. I picked up a couple of series of the Big Bang Theory so will settle in and entertain myself for the weekend. No, it is only Wednesday, but here in the tropics we tend to have many long weekends. This one begins tonight.

As for any other 'stuff'.  I guess my rant about drivers would be in order.  There is always an idiot or several on the roads. This week's talent came in many varieties. Yesterday I had some savant driving all over the two lanes of road, at a speed varying anywhere from 55 kph to 80 kph.  How on earth do they do this? If this were in the western world one would assume drunkeness. But here, this is not the case. Just stupidity I guess.  As I gathered my courage and raced past the fool, he was seated with his left leg propped up on the dash, his car seat tilted as far back as it would go, and an infant hanging out the passenger front seat window enjoying the breeze.  Today I think I met his brother. He was driving a rickety old truck with the front end almost constantly in contact with the road surface. A few sparks indicated that it was touching frequently. He too had the same M O, weaving across both lanes and driving at varying speeds.  I watched a few people pass him, and almost get clipped. I finally could not stand it any longer, and revved up the buggy and attempted to speed past him myself. Almost didn't make it. He clearly wanted to squeeze me out of the front spot and came so close to me that he tripped my sideview mirror into the great beyond.  I was jolted, and noticed the collision. He did not.

Home now with Sheldon and the gang. I need a few laughs.

27 days before I am on my way!

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