VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekend in K T

The weekend did not come soon enough, and it ended too quickly.

With the school year winding down, we have had tasks, meetings, and forms to fill out that would choke a crocodile.  My latest Dilbert experience is to 'apply for a bonus'.  I have never heard of such a thing, but I guess when you run the Dilbert ship you can make any rules you want to make.  After conferring with several colleagues, I have discovered that many do not plan to apply.  I am quickly becoming one of them.  Those that do, you can be sure they are the dead beats, will likely get a handsome bonus with credentials that are bogus.

Fine tuning my presentations for a couple of conferences next week, attempting to have a quiet time, and trying to figure out if I really have the energy to apply for this bonus thing left me realizing yesterday that a massage was in order. Off to JB and my 2 hour indulgence left me much happier.  After that, and looking like a crazy lady, I finished up bits of shopping and headed back to K T.  Straight to my hair dresser, who rubbed and scrubbed my scalp for another hour, and sent me on my way with a tousled coif that was much nicer than when I went into her shop.

The mangos right now are unbelievable. I have been scarfing down the delights at a record speed. I picked up 3 of them on Friday, and panicked on Sunday morning when I saw only one left.  So, with the new hairdo, off to the wet market to buy more.  They don't move quickly here because they are in the indulgence range price wise.  When different mangos are in season they normally run in the 5 for RM10 range. These puppies set me back RM15 for 3.  But worth every ringgit.  Yesterday I knew I wanted more than 3.  The vendor said 'for you - 1 kg for RM10'. Deal struck, I kept loading them on the scale. My 5 mangos weighed in at 2 kg.  An average household here would not be paying this money for fruit. They need to budget for the rest of the monthly food, so a mango is a treat.  I guess I too should consider this, but I have to take advantage of this while I can have it, so I marched home with my 2 kg of mangos and will enjoy each and every one of them.  Yes, when the scale tallied the weight of 2 kg I was told I owed RM21.  Ooops, I said, that would be RM20.  'Ah, ya, ya', said the vendor, smiling. 'Boleh' said I.  And I went home. Her finger was probably on the scale and I likely paid more than I should have anyway.

Apparently what I bought is called totapuri mangos. What I do know, is I love the yellow mangos, so as each variety comes into its season, I can be seen at the market buying the latest variety of yellow mangos to indulge my senses.

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