VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Glad to be Home - Finally

With no gps hag,  I managed to find my way home. My buddy, Irfan, told me to follow him. He rides a scooter. I stayed close to his tailpipe and began to think we are going in a big circle. But he lives in the area, so accepted this route.  I did think we passed the correct road, but resisted saying anything. Finally, after some weird turns and re traces, we ended up at a Petronas so he could fill up. I wish he would have admitted that he got lost and took the wrong road. But he is a guy. What guy admits these things? Not him.  So off we went again, at which time I pointed out to him that indeed we were driving in a circle. I managed to prove this as we drove past the hotel where we started from.  I again watched him pass the turn I knew I should take, so tooted the old buggy and waved and took off. So, after an hour of driving like Mr Bean, I was finally on my way home, but of course now in knee deep traffic.

I guess I should be greatful for a friend sticking around and helping. This kind of help, maybe is not useful. But his intentions were good. And I did get home. It really is nice living in this little place without the hustle and bustle of the big city.  Listen to me. I am sounding very much like a local. My city is not tiny. It is at least 70,000. At home that is not tiny. But I guess over this way it is, lai dat lah.
Now to make the coveted popcorn. Can, can, lai dat making in the popper lah.

(just a bit of Singlish for you to translate)


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