VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sometimes I think I am Pretty Clever

I have been shopping for kids lately.  Going home means bringing presents. What kid really likes their Nana when she comes to visit empty handed. She is old, she is slow, she doesn't understand the value of a game played with hot wheels or tea party sets.  So finding just the right gift to get my foot in the door to their world is a challenge.

I think I have mastered that one with the grandson. But with a 1 1/2 year old little girl, the challenge is bigger.  Dress up girl is who she is, so I have been given the go ahead on a frock that should bring her some joy and I am returning to the shop to purchase the tiara now that I know the shopping rules.

Here is the preview of her 'red carpet' frock.
Should be an interesting outfit in the middle of winter, but what the heck - who needs a Barbie doll when you can be one yourself? Besides, I am afraid to buy the Barbie, they are all indicating 3 yrs +.  Not there yet.

Also picked up a ginormous barbie doll pink piece of luggage to bring all this home. Nice, shiny, hot pink plastic. Who in their right mind would steal this one?  How could I ever miss it on the round about at the luggage carrousel?  I managed to score it for half price. I wonder why it was reduced?  You'd think everyone would be lining up to buy it.  I have slowly learned over the years that one does not buy fancy schmancy luggage. It only attracts thievery, but if you take the tackiest piece of luggage with you, you will be sure to have it at the end of the journey.  No one else wants it simply because they judge the content by the wrapper. 

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