VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I used to wonder....

I resisted Facebook for a long time, then people slowly wore me down and I have an account. I never use it - I cannot understand why people obsess over the crazy thing. I know people who never log out  for fear of missing something. I have read many entries when I am completely bored and have an internet connection that I don't feel like using in a constructive manner. I can read about what someone had for dinner, where they are right now, and what they are feeling. Kind of like the text messagers who sit beside their friend and message them instead of talking to them. The worst of this whole exercise is the fact that many of the people who wore me down speak a foreign (to me) language. So, I have no idea what they are saying to me.  Now I have discovered, via a friend back home that my Facebook account may be compromised.  Well, enjoy it whoever you are. I hope you get more out of my page than I have.  You will not be finding any dark secrets on that site.  Perhaps I will just shut it down and call it a lesson learned.

Yes, I think that is exactly what I will do.  Now to figure out how.

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