VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, October 27, 2012

iPad Mini?

I am getting weary with all the new technology.  I have just received an e-mail from Apple that the new iPad mini is ready for me and just a click away from being mine.

Good grief!  If one bought every trinket that Apple developed they would need to carry a piece of luggage to carry all these things.  And, why would I want an iPad mini in the first place. Think about it.  If they really knew their audience, maybe they would get age categories before the sent out new technology items.  I would use an iPad as a book, but I could not use an iPad mini for the same purpose. If I did, I would have to view one sentence at a time in order to read it.  Kind of defeats the usefulness of the machine, right? I'd probably get carpal tunnel syndrome from all the scrolling I would have to do.

Good thing they synch everything. Imagine this - sending someone a message on your iPhone, saving it on your iPod, and sending it to your iPad to then forward to the iPad mini, so you can read the message anywhere.  Oops, almost forgot to synch it with the MacAir and MacBook Pro.  Better keep it on the desktop of the desktop computer too.

I wonder if airlines allow all these trinkets onboard?

They claim the iPad mini is every inch an iPad. So if this is true, why own both?


I think at my age, I am a two hand user.  

I guess I better show all the trinkets so that Apple does not get all the advertising here.
does size really matter?

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