VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

60 - wow!

I am contemplating going to the JB hospital for anther dengue test. But it is raining already and only 7:30 am.  I dont feel like dealing with that plus the fact that no doctors will be there anyway because today is like Christmas Day to us, only they take it more seriously than we do. There will be only a skeleton staff at a hospital today, so maybe the next day or not at all.  I seem to have no fever today - and hopefully wont later on.  Maybe today is a good day to begin removing paper and that sort from my house before the big end date.  I could fill a few sacks of the stuff and drop off at the 'sorta' recycling bin nearby.  I am getting much closer to buying an iPhone.  Ry just told me that I can use an app that works like a scanner on the iPhone. That would save me buying yet another piece of junk here for that purpose. There is tons of crap to scan, plus all the research interviews I have done that I certainly dont want to take home as paper copies.

The best thing about being ill is that I pull out the movies I have bought for other ill occasions.  I have discovered that I have not seen the movies I bought a while ago - probably because I would fall asleep during the movie or too sick to retain what I watched.  So now this week I seem to be able to stay awake and have some laughs over Big Bang Theory, Everyone Likes Raymond, and The Office.

It is beautifully quiet today except for the chatter over the speakers every few hours.  I really should take advantage of the empty roads and just go somewhere.  Lets hope that the trend continues tonight and no more firecrackers!

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