VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Getting Marks Posted is like Pulling Teeth

Finding marks posted is rare as hen's teeth. It is like pulling teeth to get marks posted, so I am delighted to have that behind me. Now nearing the second round, I am finishing up the last one and will be uploading soon. Then I will be back to the rare as and pulling teeth scenarios.

All A's except for that dreaded B+. I can live with that, I guess.

I can now understand why English as a second language learners have difficulty learning our various idioms. When the native speaker does not stop to think about what they are saying, the learner has no idea what was meant. I am a native speaker and believe me, I had no idea what point she was trying to make. Neither did she. I took her aside so as to not embarrass her; she was convinced she knew what she was talking about. This colleague prattled on about 'pulling hen's teeth' at a recent professional development we had.  She was quick to explain that it is an expression we use about how hard it is to find something.  OMG.  She was combining 'rare as hen's teeth' & 'like pulling teeth'.  The rare one is self explanatory; the other is something we would use to explain a difficult situation. She defended herself by saying that hens do not have teeth, so it would be very difficult to pull their teeth.  By the time I finally got an explanation of what she was trying to say, her entire message was garbled.  I am thinking she was out in left field! Explaining this to her, I felt like I was pulling teeth.

Lets all hope that teachers like her are rare as hen's teeth!

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