VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Family Matters

I enjoyed my weekend, even if it was one of hard labour. I talked with all my family.  Nothing soothes a soul better than talking to family.  Well, maybe hugs to go with that would make it perfect.  As I wind down my work, the two offsprings keep theirs going on. One traveling for work, and the other travelling soon to get to work. It kind of makes me sad that I will not see Ryan in Malaysia again.  But glad too that he made the effort to always drop in on Ma before or after work.  I am a lucky lady.  He even came to me before going home to Sumi.

I had my regular visit with the grandchildren in the tub.  Mom was telling me that they were both a couple of little thunderclouds that day. It was true. Levi had a frown, and Kolly tried her best to not be the happy little girl she normally is.  Things changed dramatically when I told Levi to not smile. Who cannot smile when they get that statement directed at them? And then the giggles and usual behaviour came back for Nana before we had to say good night.

As I chatted with Ry, we got onto the topic of Gordon.  After finding a crispy Gordon lookalike in the kitchen pantry, and another wee offspring under my bed splayed out on the floor - very dead; he asked if one of them was Gordon. No, Gord still emerges from behind the television every night at 6pm and then traipses out to the patio for his nightly frolic. He still has me trained. If the light does not go on when he gets to his playground, the chatter is more than one can tolerate. I asked Ry  ' who will turn on the light for Gordon when I am gone?'  He suggested I take him home with me.  I have read that geckos live about 4 years.  Not sure how much milage is left on this little guy.  I have been here for 3, and he was not a baby when we first met.

As crappy as internet is here, I have a connection with family.  I am pretty sure I could not have done this stint with only snail mail to get me through the 3 years. I am glad I was here. I have had the best visits with Ry that could never have happened if we both lived in Canada. What good looking young man would go on vacation with his mom unless they both were away from home?  And living away from home gave me the gift of living in my daughter's home.  What person would have their mother move in if both were residents of the same country?  Yes, this journey has had some very good experiences, not just with work, but with family.  I think we have all discovered that we really love each other and can even tolerate an old ladies idiosyncrasies when we know it is only temporary.

For now, I am glad I am indoors. I hear some large critter calling outside in the predawn.  I am guessing it is a monitor lizard. Not someone I choose willingly to have a  face to face encounter.  Yay for doors, even though the little ones walk freely through them at will.

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