VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, August 15, 2013

So Much For Vacation

I did not go anywhere, and I did not feel great. But I did make good progress on downsizing.  I have most of the furniture ready to go to the assigned recipient. A divorced woman with children. I cant think of anyone better than that.  I have tackled the office supplies and decided that they can go to the schools. More bribe gifts for classroom management, dvd's, and appliances now have to find a home.  The post office makes me insane.  One place says go to the other, the other says nothing in English. Everyone seems to think anything has to be wrapped, but there does not seem to be any form of wrapping stuff for sale in this bloody country.  One can buy a sheet of paper about 4' by 2', but that is not going to wrap a suitcase that needs to travel by mail.  I think I will leave that one for another day. It takes too much energy to deal with such dysfunction.  I went for a hair wash. That was good. Maybe I should stash my hairdresser in the suitcase and bring her home.  Yes, I bought another carton of kleenex.  That will hopefully suffice until this dreaded sinus issue is done.

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