VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

61 days

61 days to

I am feeling rather sorry for myself - I have some virus that has knocked the spunk right out of me. Not the best way to spend a vacation, but better than trying to work I guess.

Maybe this was timely.  I cannot talk without fits of coughing spells that would rival the sound of the firecrackers that explode everyday.  I am contributing to the corporate funds for the Kleenex corporation.  I also discovered that there are good doctors in Malaysia. Going out of the plan our company has arranged, I found one and am happy to pay the cost to get some decent health care.  I did manage to have a visit with the birthday boy today - although it was not likely fun to look at an old bag blowing her nose into the FaceTime video and coughing between the blows.  It is always nice to have kids to teach we old dogs how to use modern technology.  He has given me an idea how I can bypass buying yet another printer/scanner before I leave here.  Maybe, just maybe there will be some weight loss occurring with this bout of flu.  That would be most welcome.

Now time for bed again.  I've been up for a few hours.  I'll take my kleenex, iPad, and water and keep mending the body. But I'd still like some chicken soup.

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