VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, August 12, 2013

So Much For Horoscopes

As I dig my way through the rubble I have created, I found the newspaper I bought yesterday. Not wanting it to go to waste, I began reading. The horoscope. That could give me an inspiration amid this chaos.  I think I have learned that following the belief system of horoscopes has to be crossed off any list I might have had.  Here is what I read:

You are apt to take a look at your neat and orderly closet, your well-organized desk and your clean bathroom, and be proud. Other people may fret and be angry at suddenly having to get their life in order, but you are already there. Perhaps you don't realize it because you are such a perfectionist and are constantly striving for more. Perhaps you don't give yourself enough credit for all the work that you do. Be sure to give yourself a solid pat on the back today.

Sure, my closet is neat and tidy because I dont have a closet. My bathroom is clean simply because of default. When you shower there, you clean the bathroom at the same time, And as for my desk, I emptied it completely in anticipation of someone coming to take it to its new home.

Other than that, my home is complete chaos.

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