VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Vegetarian and Pretty Feet

I discovered something today. I think Malaysia needs to do a census.  There are clearly more non hari rays celebraters here than those that do.  The road into JB was like 5 o'clock traffic in downtown Vancouver.  But no lorrys.  I found my way to the public hospital - I was not going to bother driving in circles for the private one just for a dengue test. Glad I didn't.  As I suspected, they were closed.

So, I went for  a pedicure and prettied up my feet and then met a friend who is a vegetarian and took her to my lovely find. We both noshed on Laksa soup and I got her some yam spring rolls.  My new friend at the restaurant was concerned that I was eating the Laksa.  I clearly looked ill, and carried a shopping bag with a box of kleenex in with me. Chinese are extremely health conscious.  She said - we do not take the Laksa soup when we are ill. I assured her I would not blame her if I got worse and really wanted it.  That wonderful cilantro and lime was what I wanted because I have not tasted anything for over a week.  I was right. It was devine. And then took home some yam spring rolls for my fridge and a pile of prawn noodles. I just tasted the prawn noodles and they are amazing. I have no idea what they use to make things taste like we carnivors like, especially since they never ever use onions or garlic.  But damn tasty little vittles.

And, as I left the pedicure shopping carpark, I realized I forgot my plastic insulated drinking cup for my water. Shoot. You would not believe the line up going in there.  No way Jose was I going back. Now I just called them, and they had noticed I forgot it and knew I would be back. They keep for me, ok?  Yes.  I have never been cheated by the Chinese here, so once again, they have confirmed that one in business.  They race after you if you try to leave a tip.  I now have an understanding with that shop. They accept a tip from me, but treat me like the Sultanette. I am surprised they didnt try to bring it to my house.

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