VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Maybe 63 - I Have lost Count

Maybe I have lost count because every time I turn on the computer to use the internet it takes me at least an hour to get a connection. And I have upgraded wifi and cable in my house. I switch from the bloody dongle to the wifi and beg one of them to connect.  I am not sure when I will figure out that no amount of begging will get the connection. It is just the way things are here. Big Brother decids who and when we will have access to the WWW.  Nothing we do individually is going to change that. For that reason, I will not miss the access to internet that we try so hard to have here.  I look forward to hot spots, freebie, and all else that will connect me to the 'net when I am home again.

Regarding the deployment - which sounds like we were in a battlefield - it is of course not a smooth process. I scratch my head regularly and wonder how so many sheep can be in one place at one time. All of them whine and snivel, and then rejoice - thinking they maybe have another contract next year. Holy crow, wake up goons.  It is the likes of you that there is no contract for next year.  They grasp at any straw and keep the faith that soon they will hear the message from their saviours and they will be coming back again to milk the system.  The latest tush kiss is someone organizing an end of the contract party.  Of course at our own expense, which would include travelling to batty, booking hotels, and dining at some slopshop.  Wow, can you think of anything more that you would want to do?  I can't.  That message came with the sentence that stated that perhaps we will then know what our options for next year will be.  Duh, you option is to get off you butt and find a job if that is what you need, but in any case, your only real option is to get out of the country at the end of September.  I guess I am not someone who was cut out for the dilbert world.  This company rewrites the rules according to what suits them. We are not allowed to balk or complain - the big carrot will be taken back. The carrot being a bonus at the end of the ordeal.  And that carrot is tightly grasped in the fists of those who change the rules. It will remain there until the last second our feet touch tropical soil.  But having said all that, they seem perfectly comfortable taking away assets we need to do our work and communicate.  Phones will be gone in a few weeks. Internet connectors as well. The posh chariots will be reclaimed, after which a bonus minus anything they deem to be owed for damage and deterioration of any of the above mentioned.  I did not stay for the bonus. If I had then I am a fool. I stayed because I do what I said I would do and signed in agreement. It sure would be nice if I signed this with someone with the same honour.

I almost made a huge error yesterday. I am still ill in bed with a fever and cold or something. I have been there for almost a week.  I completely forgot about my latest assignments for school.  Looking at the calendar yesterday showing me August 4, I freaked out. I had not completed my research paper. I was planning on doing it this past week. The other two were not polished, but at least almost ready.  I sat at the keyboard for 9 hours, trying to get these things finished and uploaded before the bell rang and late call meant no marking of the paper. What was I thinking? It is almost impossible to get the papers marked even when I do submit on time. But at least I am somewhat in the driver's seat in that case. I upload, and fell back into bed.  Not sure these are A papers, but they are there.

I am now waiting for something to open so I can go and buy another crate of kleenex.  I  have blown my sneezing nose into everything I had in the house. I resorted to paper towels this morning.  I have sneezed so much I have given myself a headache.  I want chicken soup.

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