VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Curry Leaf Chicken

My outstanding neighbour - not the vegetarian one, but another Chinese friend called me frantically today. She called about 5 times, and finally I was able to take her call.  She asked me to stop by before I go home. I did.  She presented me with some fried chicken that her mother in law made.  No one there cooks often, and frankly, I was drooling at Hari Raya time because mother in law makes curry leaf chicken once a year, at that time.  I did not get any.  Today we chatted and turns out that Cynthia told her mother in law I do not like curry. WHAT?  Actually she was sort of right. She and I went to a Malay wedding together recently, and they served curry. But their curry is enough to start a fire.  The curry leaf chicken is just a seductive mingle of curry leaf and other spices that makes you believe you will never get enough of the stuff. Turns out mother in law was making some today. I got a bagful of curry leaf chicken today.  Now, after texting her and thanking again, she called.  Seems I cannot get the recipe. She goes to some Indian downtown who grinds the spices for her, then she adds the curry leaf. But Cynthia is going to look up the names of herbs so I can do the same in Canada.  Sure I can.

For now, I shall dine very nicely, on Indian secret recipe and Chinese addition of curry leaf. Yum!

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