VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, August 23, 2013

What is a Canadian?

I am not even sure if anyone over here really cares.  But, being a Canuck, and when asked  where you come from?  constantly is responded with - ok lah, American - kind of gets my back up.  Yes, in the grand scheme of things, I am an American, just like a Mexican is, A Perivian is, a Brazilian is, and all else that live in North, Central, and South Americas.  Somehow those who live in the USA could not figure out what to call themselves as citizens of that country and stole the name American from the rest of us.  The people who ask that question think of me as a USA citizen. I am not.  They probably dont care - the lines blur when you are so far away geographically. As a Canadian, I have the need to be known as a Canadian.I understand how they can be confused. If it were not for the clothing many wear here I would not be sure who is Malay, Chinese, or Indian.  They get to be coded by what they wear, but in Canada we and our neighbours to the south all look the same.

There seems to be a common thread when Canadians are defined. We are seen as peacemakers and activists for peace around the globe. We tend to be known as those who stand up for the underdogs. So, having said that, here is a perfect example of that. My friend has a son who went on his own SE Asia adventure. Like all the rest of us, he found a small pup, injured and unmoving under a parked vehicle. The difference between him and the rest of us is he did something about it - and followed through.  Not many young travellers have a wad of cash for extras.  He is likely in that category. But look who he brought home?  (after leaving him in Thailand to heal, get all paperwork to travel and immigrate to Canada along with a great deal of money and trust that the procedure would unfold after he was gone)

This is Gab, picking up his new buddy at YVR.  I cannot think of a better description of a Canadian than what this picture shows us.

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