VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Line Up to Suck Every Ringgit You Can Get Out of Us

A quick trip to Singapore for a surprise 4 hour visit with Ry and a dr. appointment with a specialist left me behind for a day at work and a car that was yet again dead as a doornail.  Lucky for me, I had invested in booster cables - this dead car issue is not new.  They never fix it, I tell them constantly.  But today, after a boost, the stranger who boosted me drove off with my cables. That was the last straw. I called the lease company and said pick it up now.  How about tomorrow was the reply. NOPE, now. And they did.  But the bonus was the two that came to get the car (why 2 to take one car back?) were great. They went over my car with a finetooth comb. They could not find RM600 of repairs needed. The amount that the lease company said required repaired.  Jeez I will pay my way; but I truly dislike gouging when people try to do that to me.

The two guys also understood the problem with the car. When I told them the indications, they said - ah, yes this is electrical issue.  Wow, three of us on the same page. It only took three years and a dozen batteries before someone understood.

As for Singapore, I discovered that the pollution we had has done a nasty job on my sinuses that could require surgery to repair. I am thinking that clean air and home might be a better resolution.  And the surprise visit from Ryan for lunch was just what the doctor ordered as far as I am concerned. It actually feels like I dreamt it all. It happened and ended so quickly.  What a great gift - which I will milk for years to come. Each year I will bore people who will listen about how I took a quick trip to Singapore on (or about) my 64th and who I saw there.  We will enjoy it.  As we did for that late lunch. And then he was gone, just as quickly as he arrived.

Now with a loaner chariot, I should be able to make fast tracks to the schools tomorrow and get myself back into the routine.

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