VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Broccoli Cheese Soup Malaysian style

Being frugal, I could not toss out the cheese slices that feel like silly putty in my mouth, but put them to use today when I spied real broccoli in Econsave this afternoon.  Not exactly the recipe I use in Canada, but believe me, a taste of home actually overtook tandoori chicken leftovers in my fridge.
A couple of heads of broccoli along with a few cloves of garlic simmered in the induction cooker in a bath of beer.  I picked up some beer at the Chinese place because they had this special if you bought two, you got two free.  Frugality won over and I took my 4 bottles home. However, I did not realize they were large bottles, so I always have more left over than I drink. No stock in the larder, so the leftover flat beer that I keep in the fridge became stock for the soup.  Once melded together, the concoction went into my blender and then back into the pot on the induction cooker again.  This time, the unwrapped cheese slices joined the brew and melted into the green sea.  Now believe me, this is not exactly soup made with broth, fresh mushrooms, emanthal and guerere and cheddar cheeses, but even in the heat it was a treat to consume this blast from the past. And I have more for breakfast this week before my daily journey to the countryside. 

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