VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, April 8, 2011

Malaysia - 13 states and 3 territories

I had a lesson on the structure of Malaysia today with a couple of my teachers. They proudly advised me that Malaysia is a Federation of States consisting of 13 states involving both the peninsula, where I live and Borneo, further south.  Of these 13 states, 9 of them have Kings as Heads of State.  Johor, the state where I live has the wealthiest King (Sultan) of all.  He also owns part of Singapore. Apparently his family owned much of the land there many years ago, and the still own it.  His palace is in the city of Johor Baru, and is guarded not by guards but a full army.  I had asked if I could go there and take pictures. Apparently not.  So, because there is an army guarding him I think I will take that advise seriously.  And of course, just in case the guy is not wealthy enough, much like our lovely Queen of England, he gets a wage (and all of his family members as well) from the Malaysian government,. Just because he is a Sultan.  Now that is a job worth looking into.This Johor Sultan family money comes from plantations.  I guess all my teachers and families on the plantations work for him.  I don't see them driving mercedes or live in palaces. 
So there is your history lesson for the week.

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