VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, April 21, 2011

TGIF already

Like every Friday morning in Malaysia, I wake at 5:15 with anticipation of the evil twin sister of the GPS lady nattering at me with her chant 'it's time to get up, the time is 5:22' . But unlike other mornings, she is joined with a cacaphony of chanters who seem to compete for the Friday call to prayers.  They are not on the same page so the noise of their voices combined with Nokia alarm lady causes quite a din. I am not sure why there is a competition on Fridays but each time the call goes out, there are several chanters trying to outdo the others.   All this compounds my very weary body because I have yet again given into a critter and moved to accommodate their wishes. After a long day of work, I hit the hay only to hear tapping or scraping or some odd sound that I thought was outdoors.  I ignored the sounds and attempted to go to sleep.  By 1 am I could still hear the noises so got up to investigate.  Discovered that the noises were overhead, not outdoors.  With 15 foot ceilings, there was not a lot I could to other than stare. Trying to bring an image of the outdoor view of my roof structure left me with thinking that there is some sort of an attic above my bedroom.  There is a papery ceiling tile covering what I think is an attic there.  I checked other areas of the upstairs and the large hall way with 20 foot ceilings only had Gordon and a couple of his buddies hanging on the upper areas of the walls looking at me, ready to dash in case I tossed a paper airplane at them.  There was no way of sleeping with that tapping sound, so I traipsed down to my living room and made a nest on the tiny 2 seater sofa of sorts and attempted sleep there. I got up a couple of times when my right leg went to sleep without me and resurveyed the bedroom. MORE TAPPING AND SCRAPING. Back downstairs to the nest. I refuse to sleep on the floor any longer. I do draw a line. But maybe should not have been quite so stubborn. I could have had an actual sleep on the floor and not had to rub my leg back to life every few hours.
So I ask myself: Why am I in Malyasia? I certainly hope it is not to overcome fears of the critters that are abundant here and who seem to think my home is their home.  If I wanted a room mate I would have advertised for one, and taken 1/2 the rent. Whatever is above my bed has to leave. I am officially giving notice this morning. And then I will go whining to the screen man to come back with me to investigate further. (that is my plan)
On a better note, I had written to several screen manufacturers in Malaysia and I am slowly getting responses from them. Nice people. They probably have to take my note to a translator and then reply to me. But it is progress.  And I will arm myself with these responses on my journey to the screen guy I have found here in Kota Tinggi.  He is actually an interior designer and probably wishes he had never met me. You'd think an interior designer would have known how to find screen manufacturers, wouldn't you?
Wish me luck in tracking down the new home invader and finding a way to make him/her leave promptly. This is my weekend and I do not want it ruined by this dude or dudette.  I am not really the brave woman that many of you had thought I might have become.

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