VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

today in Malyasia

Clearly I need to learn how to paste some photos into this blog with more skill. I received an e-mail from someone reading who thought I could try some facebook application.  Maybe later, I am too pooped to try anything new.

If you ever drive in Malaysia, don’t buy a chocolate bar and think you can eat it. Especially if you are alone in the car on a back road.  The heat is so intense that the bar melts instantly. plus it is wrapped in 2 layers of plasticized material that teeth only puncture and not tear. The minute you leave the air conditioned store where you bought it.  Remember – there are no shoulders to pull off to deal with this mess.  And if you have baby wet wipes in the car, be sure they are not on the floor on the far side of the passenger seat – just in view but completely out of reach.  Trust me, I have tested this. By the time I got to my workshop location, I was a sticky, mucky mess and did not have more than a smear of the lovely chocolate in my mouth.  But the wildlife enroute had a great treat that day.  Yes, I did a redneck thing, and tossed the mess out my window, but not before it left a nasty brown streak down the side of my car.  Other than that, life is good, the weather unchanged, and malaria meds awaiting (g & t) or maybe just the tonic. 
I had a brief note from the new mother. She managed to experience about 2 hours of sleep all in one stretch.  Which brings to mind what a joy it is to be a Nana.  If I can’t sleep, it is no fault of anyone but me. 
Not sure if I mentioned that my patio door screen failed.  The construction here is much like if I were the builder. Leaving measurements inaccurate and me with a perfectly built screen that does not fit. I gave up on the effort and have called my realtor who is calling my landlord to FIX THE DARN THING.I cannot call him directly – he speaks no English, and I no Chinese. How I wish I had Surbey here to build something for me.  He’d have a screen door slapped together in a flash.  Maybe I should invite him for a visit.
I left work about noonish but have been pounding on the computer since then and it is now almost 7 pm.  I think I have earned my wages.  Oh yes, I got a text message that if I did not pay my cell phone bill by tomorrow, I would be cut off. Seems the bill is over RM7000.00.  Hmm, I don’t know how to pay this bill, so I will assume this was sent to me in error. 
And that’s the kind  of day it’s been.

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