VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, April 22, 2011

No further home invaders and other stuff

Following Ryan's advise on our Skype chat, I decided it was best that I do not know who was in my attic the other night. ON THE PLUS SIDE, the critter(s) left and I returned to my bed. As for my Easter greetings here, I must admit that I am out of touch with what season and celebrations are going on around the world. With a constant temperature and length of day, it becomes difficult to know what day, date, or month it is.  I also have to admit that my Muslim friend who owns the Rosemerah cafe is the one that told me that yesterday was Good Friday.  I am not sure he saw the humour in telling a Christian that it was Good Friday, but I had a giggle. They don't celebrate that day as we do in Canada, but there was a civic holiday just same.  There was some raucous event last night that I was able to listen to from home. Music and festivities were erupting from some marquees near Econsave a couple of km away but clearly travelled over the airwaves to my place. Guess I will have to gambol over there today to see what the attraction is.
Because I was able to upload that little chick picture here I will attempt to upload the cache of pictures I have waiting to get on the blog. I am not gonna spend a lot of frustrating time trying -- if no success, I will go back to the cafe and see if there is better luck there. But first I wait for Mr Wong to arrive with some workers to see how they can screen my doors and windows for me.

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