VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gordon's back

For those of you who care, Gordon greeted me in MY kitchen this morning. He made a mad dash to the window, only to find it closed. He then thought he was hiding from me behind one of the bars. His tail and one little foot was exposed, but he remained perfectly still while I scrutinized the situation,  I have him a yell and suggested that he move on, but no movement.  I am hoping he will find is way out, like he managed to find his way in somehow through the lizard repellant.  Oddly enough, I am getting a bit attached to him and his buddies.  They are kind of cute - from a distance. So as long as he keeps off my bed, out of my view, and aware of where I am, we should be good roomies.  And I have no spiders in the house, thanks to him.

No word from the mother of 2 lately. I am sure she is wondering what was she thinking when he decided 2 children would be fun.  And little princess still goes by the name 'Levi's baby sister" as far as I know. LBS, now that is a nice monogram. 

Time to rev up the Proton and hit the road.  A long day ahead with work in my own cluster and then the long drive to Pangerang (130 km one way). Our new member of our team whined about the long drive to my school for the workshop.  I pointed out to him that I drive the same distance on Thursdays.  This fell on deaf ears as he mentioned that he is not used to this. Somehow I guess I am. As for the car, I don't think I have ever driven such a basic vehicle, even when I was a teenager. Lucky for me there is no temperature guage telling me what the temp is inside/outside the car. No cruise control, which would be crazy anyway considering the drivers and roads I share the road with, not much of a seat position adjustment, and the list goes on. 

As for real coffee and real tea in this neighbourhood, there is none.  I bought some packets of cappuccino stuff for my houseguests last weekend. So, today I tried some myself, It is actually not bad, But that is probably due to the fact I have not drunk any form of coffee since February 3, 2011. Also figured out how to stir the powdery stuff with chop sticks. (my cutlery seems to have moved to my neighbour's house due to our entertaining on the weekend)  So, another thing I will be expecting upon landing in Vancouver is a nice rich Americano from Mink.Jenn is trying to figure out how to have Ryan and me in Vancouver for Christmas this year. If it works, I think the Christmas will have to be in early December,m as I need to be back to work at the beginning of January.  I hope we can do this It would be wonderful to be all together to celebrate. For those of you who do not know what Mink is, take a look at http://www.minkchocolates.com/.  One of the chocolate bars is named after Jennifer - called Mermaid's Choice.  One of my favourites. Personally, the Sportsman Choice was wrongly named. It is flavoured with Guiness and comes with a pretzel. Definitely should have been Ryan's choice in my mind.

I get a couple of weeks vacation the end of May and beginning of June. I am hoping to find a way to get to Korea to visit Ryan there  - if he is there and if he wants his old ma to drop in.  I guess this note is a warning to him so he has time to make up an excuse if he needs one.  I also have to figure out if it fits in the budget., Now that I am paid in RM, I have to think in RM for spending. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on grandchild number two! Ah yes, I can see Levi as her protector ;D.
    Me thinks I will have to head down to Mink for a Sportsman Choice sounds yummo.
    Take care Frances and say hi to Gordon for me!
