VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I've been accused of being dramatic in the past

Just saw the doctor this morning who is concerned that the level of infection in my body is not going down with the medications I am receiving. Leaves her thinking that I might have appendicitis. Now talking about a possible transer to Johor Baru as no specialist here to do such surgery.  So, having said this, I think any of my dramatics in the past have easily been overshadowed by these latest developments.  On a positive side, my friend who lives in JB just called me this morning and said she would come down to look after me, not realizing I was in teh hospital.  It is nice to know that we do have a network of Canucks over here.  And even nicer to know that I can count on their help.  Maybe I will see her after all - just in JB, and not KT
This hospital is ok, they do the best they can do with the resources they have.  Jeff describes it as one step below a MASH Unit. He could be right, but at least I am not in a war zone.  For those of you who know me best, being in a hospital is not my first choice. Going to a doctor is not my first or second choice, but this place is not like any of that so I guess it is not so bad.  Feels more like a camp for adults. I got my usual gruel of fish and some kind of vegetables, but ate my orange that accompanied this. Ate the whole thing and could eat another if it was offered. Something must be improving.
oh ya, they showed my x-ray to me. There were these little dashes across the upper right side of my abdomen. When I asked what they were, seems there are the clips from having gall bladder surgery. Now that is one good clip.  The surgery was over 30 years ago.  Made in Canada - just like me.  Now if my sense of humour dries up, let me know.  I must be seriously ill if that is the case.

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