VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wednesday in Kota Tinggi

Well, the nice man who measured my screens gave a price.  RM2000.  I think not!  The whole house is only worth about RM30 - 40,000, so how could a bit of screen be worth that much? And that was not even a quote for all the windows.
I am heading back there today after work to see how exactly the cost breakdown works out and see if I can negotiate a better price.  I also got online last night and wrote directly to manufacturers of screens in Malaysia to see if they can sell directly to me.  Not sure if they can read my message.  I guess I will find out today by seeing if there are any replies. Just when I think I am being treated like a local I get a wakeup call and realize that someone is trying yet again to gouge the Canuck.  One of the Chinese restaurants keep adjusting their prices for my orders.  My first trip there was for gai lan, and the price was RM 8.  I sent Jeff there and whatever he bought was RM 8 -- nothing on the menu is priced. I guess they just look at you and decide a price.  SInce those initial visits the prices have slowly dropped and sometimes items are only RM 4.  There must be a time period to denote a local resident in their minds, and once you have met that time period, the prices are adjusted.  I wonder what that time period is?

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