VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Paying Bills in Kota Tinggi

I think I have discovered why the water bills are so low in Kota Tinggi.  Keep the bill low, and the customer will have low expectations of delivery. You recall that my hairdresser told me where I pay my electric and water bills?  Well, I paid the water bill last month and there was no new charges for my electric bill. This month, my electric bill arrived again, and it still indicated no charges, in fact, there was a credit balance. Well, I marched down to the office and said I thought there was a mistake because I have been using electricity.  Seems they have an incentive program here – you use minimal electricity and you are rewarded by not having to pay a power bill. I don’t scrimp, but then I really don’t have much in the way of electrical appliances. Still looking for lamps.  While I was there, I asked if I could just pay my water bill even though the actual bill had not arrived. Their system is so archaic and she was not able to find my bill in their records. So, I had to go home and pick up my previously paid bill and return.  They advised there is no charges available for them to view, so I then asked if I could just pay them something and have a credit on my bill until the charges are available. This was clearly a difficult procedure but eventually she took RM10 from me which seems to have me paid up until the end of May.  Crazy huh?  However, it is now 5:30 pm here and I turned on the faucet to wash my hands, and ta da, no water!  Thought I would mosey over to Jeff’s and steal a pail of water from his patio outlet but he too is waterless.  Seems I have caused some nasty response to prepaying my water bill. And of course the office is closed so I guess I am waterless all night.  Good thing I have three bathrooms. I should be able to plan the next night accordingly. As for a shower, that is not gonna happen I guess.

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