VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, April 4, 2011

now for a quick bit of humour

When I attended the retirement party for a head mistress (who I thought was the secretary) I was wandering around the grounds off from the classrooms. I came across some large beast that I seemed to startle, who in turn started me. He was massive, dark brown, and bounded like a giant jackrabbit. Today I finally asked the gatekeeper what this animal might have been. He was alarmed, and said, keep away from that one, and indicated that it was vicious and would bite me. His English is not strong, so I asked him what it was, because I have been googling it for days and cannot find it. He said he did not know the English word, so told me the Malay.  Ulat balu.  So, I promptly hurried back to my base school and tried to google this creature but the power was off,. Jeff had a dictionary of Malay, so looked it up. Turns out it is catapillar. Me thinks the gatekeeper might have given me the wrong spelling and wrong word too.He spelled it out for me, so it was what he intended to tell me. Guess I still don't know what I saw, unless he thinks we Canucks should be afraid of caterpillars.

Now time to get to work and complete my reports.  More tomorrow I am sure regarding baby girl.

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