VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, April 16, 2011

good intentions

I went downtown after stopping to use the internet at the cafe which was not up and running. Fully intended to take some street shots, but it was very hot.  I took a couple and then headed homeward.  Spying a Durian stand with several people seated and munching on the fruit I realized I had to try the stuff. So, pulled into the lot and approached the vendor.  He had no English but a couple of older Chinese men sharing a durian offered me a bite. They knew I had never had any before and said it is ok if you dont like, just leave it.  So I took a chunk and gave it a sniff. That wonderful aroma of fresh fruit that I smell every time I pass these stands is not what I smelled. It was  big blob of creamy whitish stuff, much like soft butter. Also the texture of soft butter.  The piece I was given was about the size of a large plum.  The smell - like onions at a hotdog stand.  I took a bite, and had difficulty swallowing because it was like eating soft butter.  I love butter, but not a chunk of it. Then, within the soft butter texture that tasted like onions was a network of stringy particles.  I was told to eat this too, and just leave the pit. Thank God there was a substantial pit, because I could not have eaten the whole thing otherwise.  I politely ate my bit and thanked everyone.  Back in the car and homeward  after taking a couple of pictures of the vendor and the nice men who shared their durian with me.  Tried to download the pictures and discovered I had left the camera in movie mode, so I had lovely shots of the car tire, my skirt, and several other nonsensical things. I did end up with a short clip at the durian stand but I must have kept taking pictures thinking they were not shooting making the movie clip look like it kept repeating itself. So, once again, no photos to post.Two hours later I have a repeat from the durain taste in my mouth but now it tastes like kerosene. I think I will stick with apples.

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