I am joining one of my schools on a camping excursion (in the school field) this weekend. I have advised I will not be staying overnight. But will join them on Friday afternoon to play games with them and then return on Saturday morning to judge a cooking contest. Guess I better take some antacid for that one huh?
I am now the official article writer for the company newsletter. Finally a gig with my communications degree. We will see how I pull that off. I awoke to the sweet voice of Levi saying 'Hi Nana'. And his mom in the background waiting her turn to speak.
Going to work now - in the rain. Not really sure where today's school is but I know I will find it.
from the last few days in Canada and forward, you can join me in my thoughts and actions as I learn how to live in a country that I had not even known the exact location until Ryan was there a few years ago. Some days I have rants and other days I have adventures, but every day is a learning experience that I embrace and thank God I was given the opportunity to know and to be. I might even upload a picture of me in this place I now call home – for now.

VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Own school visits
I set out on my own yesterday and drove right past my turn off. The trip is so short, I was zoned out until I got to Jusco, which is twice the distance I needed to travel. Found a U turn site and headed back. Other than that, I had an uneventful day at work. I am setting up meetings with each mentee for the next week. And then returning to Kota Tinggi daily to take in the mentee seminars for the implementation of year 2 into the program. It is amusing following the program - it is not only my words from the disc I gave them, but in the same order as well. Glad I was of help. My old mentees are probably feeling like they are having a flashback.
Perhaps I should bring back the GPS witch. She might have averted the missed turn. But then, probably not - I tend to block her and her excited 'recalculating' message she always gives me.
I also went along with the new house guest, who is seeking a residence. She is determined to live in JB, even though she works north and east of Kota Tinggi. Not sure how she is going to pull this off, as we have a limited housing allowance, and she has convinced me that she is broke. (hence - I support her here). Anyway, she assured me she had a map, but fully believes in the GPS broad. We ignored Madam GPS all the way to Jusco (which was the half way point to her appointment to view a place) and then I suggested she go into the book store to buy a STREET MAP. She said she would wait in the car for me while I do so. Lucky for me I did not bring a purse.After what should have been a 60 - 90 trip, but in rality was 30 hours - there and back, we found the 'gem' of a condo - perched between a highway on the right and a powerline (major grid) on the left. And of course, endless traffic speeding past the front - which is her view side. When she asked me my opinion, I said I am not the right choice, I don't like condo living. When Jeff was asked later, he said he wondered how long it would take to get cancer there.
I hope she takes it, even though it is out of her price range.Jeff, wisely suggested she find a homestay near the schools while she ponders this option if she does not take it. Once I regain my home 'alone', I am looking forward to breezes whafting through the upstairs rooms again - slamming open doors. The rest of the upstairs is stuffy with her bedroom door shut and my big fan blowing behind that closed door. I have a nasty sore throat from the air con blasting in my face in the car - new mentor cannot tolerate the heat without it. I am wondering what the heck is in the air con here that causes such a reaction. I have no one to blame but myself. I need to learn how to say what I need and mean it. always lessons to learn huh?
Perhaps I should bring back the GPS witch. She might have averted the missed turn. But then, probably not - I tend to block her and her excited 'recalculating' message she always gives me.
I also went along with the new house guest, who is seeking a residence. She is determined to live in JB, even though she works north and east of Kota Tinggi. Not sure how she is going to pull this off, as we have a limited housing allowance, and she has convinced me that she is broke. (hence - I support her here). Anyway, she assured me she had a map, but fully believes in the GPS broad. We ignored Madam GPS all the way to Jusco (which was the half way point to her appointment to view a place) and then I suggested she go into the book store to buy a STREET MAP. She said she would wait in the car for me while I do so. Lucky for me I did not bring a purse.After what should have been a 60 - 90 trip, but in rality was 30 hours - there and back, we found the 'gem' of a condo - perched between a highway on the right and a powerline (major grid) on the left. And of course, endless traffic speeding past the front - which is her view side. When she asked me my opinion, I said I am not the right choice, I don't like condo living. When Jeff was asked later, he said he wondered how long it would take to get cancer there.
I hope she takes it, even though it is out of her price range.Jeff, wisely suggested she find a homestay near the schools while she ponders this option if she does not take it. Once I regain my home 'alone', I am looking forward to breezes whafting through the upstairs rooms again - slamming open doors. The rest of the upstairs is stuffy with her bedroom door shut and my big fan blowing behind that closed door. I have a nasty sore throat from the air con blasting in my face in the car - new mentor cannot tolerate the heat without it. I am wondering what the heck is in the air con here that causes such a reaction. I have no one to blame but myself. I need to learn how to say what I need and mean it. always lessons to learn huh?
Monday, September 26, 2011
first day on the new job
A delight driving - even in gridlock. The drivers are somewhat predictable on this route. And no new rashes or hives from the venture. I have a lingering sore throat - but that comes from driving with the air conditioning in my car full blast. The new colleague, who I was driving around all weekend cannot tolerate the heat. So, sore throat was inevitable. Makes me wonder why people take jobs in the tropics when they dont like the heat. She has 5 showers a day at my place and runs the fans here full blast. And still complains about the heat. I feel like I am in Victoria in a windstorm when I come into the house. It does encourage me to keep my desktop in order. The papers would be strewn all over the place otherwise.
Arming myself with a travel mug decanted with some cream - in a small cooler, filled with mini freezer packs, I stopped at the Jusco Starbucks and had an Americano to go for the tour. Not something I could write about in the Sedili trips. My new colleague and I set out to find the schools. We did a great job until the last one, and then had to admit defeat and call Travis for directions. Now, after that I am no longer sure where the heck it was. So, a street map purchase is on my to do list today so I can find it again. I like this new colleague. Turns out he is a golf pro, so guess who will be taking some refresher lessons from him. I think I might even bring my clubs back with me when I come back after the break.
I spent the afternoon in the ministry office in Kota Tinggi, as the curriculum for the year 2 students is being developed and presented to the teachers now. The year 2 classes will be added to our program in the new year, as those students will be our current year 1's. I had met with the ministry a few weeks ago, and taken a dvd of overview of my work and extra projects. It was quite amusing to hear my words and projects regurgitated in this meeting. My dvd really focused on the travelling library, and lo and behold, the ministry is advising and encouraging fun books and diaramas for classroom learning. Glad I was able to influence them in that way.Now we wait to see if it really is done.
Arming myself with a travel mug decanted with some cream - in a small cooler, filled with mini freezer packs, I stopped at the Jusco Starbucks and had an Americano to go for the tour. Not something I could write about in the Sedili trips. My new colleague and I set out to find the schools. We did a great job until the last one, and then had to admit defeat and call Travis for directions. Now, after that I am no longer sure where the heck it was. So, a street map purchase is on my to do list today so I can find it again. I like this new colleague. Turns out he is a golf pro, so guess who will be taking some refresher lessons from him. I think I might even bring my clubs back with me when I come back after the break.
I spent the afternoon in the ministry office in Kota Tinggi, as the curriculum for the year 2 students is being developed and presented to the teachers now. The year 2 classes will be added to our program in the new year, as those students will be our current year 1's. I had met with the ministry a few weeks ago, and taken a dvd of overview of my work and extra projects. It was quite amusing to hear my words and projects regurgitated in this meeting. My dvd really focused on the travelling library, and lo and behold, the ministry is advising and encouraging fun books and diaramas for classroom learning. Glad I was able to influence them in that way.Now we wait to see if it really is done.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
now off on my way to the new job. Although the driving is more congested, I at least have half a chance, because all on my route should be going in the same direction.
Meeting a colleague at Starbucks in Jusco Mall to be taken to all my schools today and introduced to a whole pile of new names that are each about as long as the alphabet. Argg, I just finally began pronouncing the other names correctly.. A far cry from my initial experience - where I had to find the schools and introduce myself. Then back to Kota Tinggi for afternoon meetings all week to discuss the curriculum implementation of year 2 into our program next year. Should be interesting.
Meeting a colleague at Starbucks in Jusco Mall to be taken to all my schools today and introduced to a whole pile of new names that are each about as long as the alphabet. Argg, I just finally began pronouncing the other names correctly.. A far cry from my initial experience - where I had to find the schools and introduce myself. Then back to Kota Tinggi for afternoon meetings all week to discuss the curriculum implementation of year 2 into our program next year. Should be interesting.
I think this is a fair example of the road
Friday, September 23, 2011
Hoe cut my hair
Like everything I do here, my hair cut was an EVENT.
Kiki, who I met near my begining of life in Kota Tinggi was arranged for a 2 pm hair cut yesterday. I arrived at the shop after settling my new houseguest into the house for a bit of rest and relaxation after a frantic day of school visits that had her head spinning.
Got to the shop and NO KIKI. Only the other person who I have seen there but never talk with as she has NO ENGLISH AT ALL. That woman's niece gives me the incredible hair washes that last one hour but she also was not there. I asked 'where is Kiki'. I got the usual wrist twist and muttering in something that sounded sort of like 'finish'. No, I said, Kiki is not finish, where is she. Kept getting this message and gesture. I had psyched myself into a haircut after 8 months of scraggle hair, and I would not leave. Finally she found a picture of Thailand and then the calendar, and lines through some days, up until 27 September. I deduced Kiki went to Thailand for a vacation and this other one was to cut my hair. I thought = no, I need Kiki. But I could not wait another week.
So, we figured out something and I decided I have done worse - rememeber the Elvis 'do' I had. So, I kept guiding her hand - shorter, shorter, shorter. Finally the finished product, and it is ok. Better than ok, civilized might be a good word. I will forgive Kiki for this one. But I was nervous. I am starting a new cluster of schools on Monday and did not want to look like a rockstar on my first day.
Tonight - another Hari Raya party in the heart of JB with my base school teachers, so I have to introduce my new mentor to them socially. I would rather be in bed but I guess there are some things one must do. And I was made to promise them all before they released their clutches from me yesterday. Nice to be appreciated. Now I hope I have lived up to what they really think of me. And do the same at the new schools if I am.
(could have been) Elvis impersonator
Kiki, who I met near my begining of life in Kota Tinggi was arranged for a 2 pm hair cut yesterday. I arrived at the shop after settling my new houseguest into the house for a bit of rest and relaxation after a frantic day of school visits that had her head spinning.
Got to the shop and NO KIKI. Only the other person who I have seen there but never talk with as she has NO ENGLISH AT ALL. That woman's niece gives me the incredible hair washes that last one hour but she also was not there. I asked 'where is Kiki'. I got the usual wrist twist and muttering in something that sounded sort of like 'finish'. No, I said, Kiki is not finish, where is she. Kept getting this message and gesture. I had psyched myself into a haircut after 8 months of scraggle hair, and I would not leave. Finally she found a picture of Thailand and then the calendar, and lines through some days, up until 27 September. I deduced Kiki went to Thailand for a vacation and this other one was to cut my hair. I thought = no, I need Kiki. But I could not wait another week.
So, we figured out something and I decided I have done worse - rememeber the Elvis 'do' I had. So, I kept guiding her hand - shorter, shorter, shorter. Finally the finished product, and it is ok. Better than ok, civilized might be a good word. I will forgive Kiki for this one. But I was nervous. I am starting a new cluster of schools on Monday and did not want to look like a rockstar on my first day.
Tonight - another Hari Raya party in the heart of JB with my base school teachers, so I have to introduce my new mentor to them socially. I would rather be in bed but I guess there are some things one must do. And I was made to promise them all before they released their clutches from me yesterday. Nice to be appreciated. Now I hope I have lived up to what they really think of me. And do the same at the new schools if I am.
(could have been) Elvis impersonator
my first Malaysian hybiscus
My kids can attest to my love for hybiscus flowers. They bought me one for my birthday one year while I lived in Calgary. It had so much trouble trying to flower in that climate. But we worked together - the hybiscus and I, making the occassional flower that bloomed for me in all its brilliance of bright pinkness.
Well now, I have a new white one on my patio, and here is the first flower it popped out for me a few days after planting. It continues to bloom and flower, giving me such pleasure in thinking I am a great gardener.
In reality - blooms in spite of me. Beside the orchids that do the same.
Well now, I have a new white one on my patio, and here is the first flower it popped out for me a few days after planting. It continues to bloom and flower, giving me such pleasure in thinking I am a great gardener.
In reality - blooms in spite of me. Beside the orchids that do the same.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
This is kinda what I look like these days - except I wear the tresses in a lovely ponytail. I have not had a hair cut since early January. I have never left it this long before, and the texture of cellophane, and look of candy floss is not actually very attractive. Add to the mix, some sun bleached strands at the ends, and I think I have painted a graphic picture of myself. Some have asked me if I dye my hair. Holy cow, a hair product company would be devistated if they had to claim my hair colour as one of their product results. No one would actually chose what I have on my head. It is one of God's gifts. hee hee Lack of time, fear of no pony tail to keep me cool have postponed this necessity for ages. Why the big decision? I seem to have acclimatized - I am actually chilly these days. My new houseguest has a few showers a day, coming down stairs in sleeveless blouses, shorts and bare feel. I am swaddled in fleece tops, long pants, socks and shoes. I think I can let the pony tail go. Some of you have seen me with my Elvis 'do' by accident, so I am not worried about the cut. Hair grows. And Kiki has become familiar with my strands - she is the one who gives me hour long hairwashes when I need to relax. It has slowed down regarding the falling out problem. I no longer have a brushfull that could make a wig each time I run a brush through it. I am also hoping that the expensive shampoo and haircut will stop that action completely.
The group at Choice should enjoy this afternoon. They all love to come and feel my ears and giggle. I think my ears are either extremely huge in their minds, or just funny looking. And of course, they all want to feel that caucasian hair. They will be fighting over the blow drying.
Wish me luck.
Packing, because I finally am moving to Ulu Tiram, driving because we had a day long meeting in 'Batty Pahat' midweek, and dealing with transfer of schools, and Jeff always over for tea. Those are my excuses for not being here. I think I am the one on the right. Jeff is the middle one, and my new house guest the one on the left. Most of you know what kind of accomodations we had when we began this journey. My boss asked me if I could 'put up' the replacement mentor in my house - knowing that I would have true empathy for her and not expect her to stay in a 'hotel' here. No food in the barbie doll fridge, I took her to Rosemerah to dine last night, and brought home roti pisan for breakfast for both of us. I am going to have to figure out something for food things, or maybe not. She might just latch onto the meals she can grab in town, unlike my body allows. We are going to all the schools today so I can introduce her to everyone. My plan is to do the head master/mistress rounds and then each teacher at each school. Then I will give them about 10 or so minutes to chat, while I give the students the choice of B BOOK (WITH BUBBLES) OR HAND HAND FINGERS THUMB. I explained to her the length of the book is all the time we have as 28 teachers and driving to each school takes a great deal of time, and we only have until the clock strikes 12 - big Mosque day on Friday and the schools empty completely by that time. Hari Raya continues, so this week will also end with one more Hari Raya gathering at the last school. Then tomorrow night I will be taking her to JB for the final Hari Raya party that my base school is celebrating at some hotel I also have to find. arghhh But I asked if I could bring her, since it would be a great way to introduce her better and get to know everyone in a social setting.
Lots of tears and sad faces as I met with each teacher this week. I have assured them I will be back, plus I have promised to have a big cheesecake party at my house for all of them mid October - as they all want to see where I live. I have figured out a way to go back once in a while. I am beginning a pen pal program between the schools. Some new schools of mine are Chinese and Tamil, so the kids can get used to writing and learning about other cultures. My big goal is to have a Canada - Malaysia pen pal program - but starting small. I have not sprung this idea on the new mentor. She is looking like a deer in headlights just from the bit of information I have given her the last two days. So now have to don some frock and head out on my (our) way to the schools. I am sure she will not remember any of the driving, but I have made a map complete with pictures of landmarks for her work next week.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
And Now, Tioman Island Adventure
I have to post this. We stopped for a quick bite before boarding the ferry. It takes 2 hours to get there, but the ferries here are nothing like the BC system. No cars, just a big boat. So, the nice lady who served us also provided kind of a wax papery napkin, followed by her husband guiding us to a place to wash our hands after eating. Here it is.
And then we had fresh coconut. This woman wielded a machette like a baton twirler in a parade. Would not want to be in her bad books.
Happy Hour Bar wherever we were
(couldn't find a US flag - but then they are not really fans of the USA- guess that might be the reason)
I loved this fishing boat. It was so colourful so I had to snap a memory
my photography skills did not do it justice, sorry
There you have it - my Tioman Adventure
The Magic of Boney M
Boney M is in Kota Tinggi! Honestly
I broke down and bought a cd/dvd player. Any of the pirated dvd's we buy here dont work in our computers, so we manage to watch a couple of minutes of the dvd and then poof, it stops. So, I found me a Hyudi machine where I bought my fridge, and can also use it in the workshops I give for my teachers. I have already arranged with the store that they will find me someone who cannot afford such a machine and I will give it to them when I leave.That makes it all justified to spend the money. ANYWAY, while there, they insisted on demonstrating that everything works well, and to also hear the sound quality. WELL, I managed to make another sale for them when I was listening to the tunes. They had BONEY M playing and I cranked it up to full volume and all of us were dancing in the store. I said I WANT THAT CD. I wonder if the other purchaser is wondering what those catchy lyrics and tunes really mean. I hope they can get their own cd, I am a pirate on my own.
Reply was - no no that is the boss cd, he uses it for demonstrating.
My reply: where is the boss
After pointing him out to me, I had someone interpret what I wanted - I was willing to pay anything for the blasted thing - a touch of home. He understood what I wanted and made me promise to bring it back before 9 am tomorrow and I could take it home to burn it. I am listening to it now as I write this.
And so, life in Kota Tinggi gets better every day. I can hardly wait to get this burned, into my new machine, and liven up the neighbourhood with it full blast. Something I think that can be done in defence from those nasty fireworks. Ahh, right now I am listening to Babylon. You know that one.
Doesn't take much to make a stubble jumper happy does it? Yikes I dither, now No Woman, No Cry is playing. I don't think I have a favourite tune by these guys, I love them all.
I am waiting for my mentees to ask me what the heck a stubble jumper is. No one has. And I know many read the blog.
And now El Lute is playing. I wonder who's generation this music was the audience. I am sure not mine, but I always managed to fall into any generation - except that crazy head banger noise. I am rather smug in keeping somewhat to my word. After giving away all my cd's I promised myself I would not buy any more. Burning a cd is not the same, right? So, in my mind, I did not buy a cd. I can hardly wait to hear Rasputin. I used to sing that all summer at the cottage on my way to the Fort. I am sure my kids can remember that.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Tioman Island
I spent the weekend on Tioman Island with friends. We had a long weekend, and at the last minute we all decided to go there. It was extremely relaxing. And with the people I went with, it was also very enjoyable. I will post more pictures when I get home from work today. Here is a view on the first evening we were there. Emma and I walked down the island to a small outdoor (like all of them) cafe for wings and fries. Such a very traditional menu of the island (not).
![]() |
dos cervacas on the sand as we celebrated Mexico's Independance Day |
If you have ever been to Tofino, it is much like there. This island is a land claim for the aboriginals here in Malaysia. I think they have done miracles with the resources of funding available to them. There are more upscale accomodations on the island, but even those do not compare anywhere near what Thailand offers, nor are they as affordable. Having said this, I am glad I experienced Tioman myself. Knowing similar places in North America, I was able to witness for myself, what can be done with very little capital. Like any island life, it costs dearly to have any amenities there - barging is the only option. So, with very basic structures and incredible beauty, we enjoyed our three days of paradise. I recall Emma saying something leaning toward a negative comment about the simplicity with a reply from Travis, "yes, I can see how you feel, being in this tropical paradise" And that is exactly where we were. With 'bird of paradise' flowers growing wild outside our little room.
I will try to post more photos after work today.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
KFC comes through yet again!
I know that anyone I know back home does not admit to dining at KFC. However, if they were transplanted to Malaysia, they would change their tune. I have even been known to have a 'lunch treat' or more recently 'world hunger meal', which donates a portion of the cost to 'feed the hungry' program. Anyway, I arrived at KFC yesterday, crossing my legs and knowing I could not make it home before my bladder erupted. I also wanted some KFC coleslaw. What to do? Once home I would not make the journey back to KFC - it is all of 2 km. So, found a parking spot, waddled in, and asked about a bathroom, After many mimes of what I wanted, I was instructed that there is a facility upstairs. Above the restaurant. Who would have guessed? I minced my way up there and oh my, there was a real porcelain unit, with t.p too - right there in the room. I have not seen that in the sophisicated malls in JB. There, you might get a real porcelain unit, but more likely a hole in the floor, and if you want t.p. you line up like a christian in a communion line, for a piece of the precious paper dispensed by some woman at the entrance of the bathroom. Really! So, I was delighted. KFC not only feeds me my rations of coleslaw, they look after my 'other' physical needs too. I have a friend who owns many franchises for KFC in Canada. I must let them know that I am being looked after.

A perfect day
I started my day with Levi calling me and telling me he was cleaning up a mess he had made. I ended my day with the other man in my life. (Ryan). So, nothing can be better than that. There was a blur of work in the middle. (that sentence was in case my boss is reading)
good nite
good nite
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Busy with work but missing my kids
I dont recall the last time we actually spoke with each other, so it must have been a long time. Nothing like a mother whining on a blog to get attention from her children. But , why not.
Very busy with work today. I began the day with advising my base school Head Mistress that I will be moving from my cluster to Ulu Tiram next week. She did not receive the news well, and although I was flattered with her sadness, I too am not happy about leaving the gang. I assured everyone today that I will still be in earshot, and have no intentions of leaving them completely. In just a bit more than 7 months we have built a friendship and bond that often never develops with others who you spend years with. They have taken me into their hearts, their lives, and their circle of friends, making me one of them. Now it is up to me to be sure that I stay there in that capacity, and keep them with me in the same way. I spent the bulk of the day today with my pre school teachers in a meeting at the M oE. I did not think it was an appropriate arena to tell them about my leaving, so I have to face that music tomorrow.
My job for the rest of this week, which is a short one, is to forge ahead, delivering the news and assuring all that I will still be available to their calls. I feel like a mother sending her children off to school for the first day. You would think I was irreplaceable. By the way, I am not. But I have been writing a list of notes about all my mentees for the new mentor. She might just turn around and leave if I get my way and bend her ear to all my blather and drivel. My mentees have adjusted so well with me in their midst, I want no bumps along the way to change that comfort.
Wow, this post was all over the place. Guess I am not really pining for the kids that much - I managed to fit in my feelings about where I work and who I work with as well. Now have to get back to work if I want this done by my Thursday. I also have friends thinking I will go to Melaka for the long weekend and dont know how I can do that with all on my plate right now.
Very busy with work today. I began the day with advising my base school Head Mistress that I will be moving from my cluster to Ulu Tiram next week. She did not receive the news well, and although I was flattered with her sadness, I too am not happy about leaving the gang. I assured everyone today that I will still be in earshot, and have no intentions of leaving them completely. In just a bit more than 7 months we have built a friendship and bond that often never develops with others who you spend years with. They have taken me into their hearts, their lives, and their circle of friends, making me one of them. Now it is up to me to be sure that I stay there in that capacity, and keep them with me in the same way. I spent the bulk of the day today with my pre school teachers in a meeting at the M oE. I did not think it was an appropriate arena to tell them about my leaving, so I have to face that music tomorrow.
My job for the rest of this week, which is a short one, is to forge ahead, delivering the news and assuring all that I will still be available to their calls. I feel like a mother sending her children off to school for the first day. You would think I was irreplaceable. By the way, I am not. But I have been writing a list of notes about all my mentees for the new mentor. She might just turn around and leave if I get my way and bend her ear to all my blather and drivel. My mentees have adjusted so well with me in their midst, I want no bumps along the way to change that comfort.
Wow, this post was all over the place. Guess I am not really pining for the kids that much - I managed to fit in my feelings about where I work and who I work with as well. Now have to get back to work if I want this done by my Thursday. I also have friends thinking I will go to Melaka for the long weekend and dont know how I can do that with all on my plate right now.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Newspapers and Information
As I step upon my soapbox, I would love to think that the world could be without borders, and everyone was equal. My pie in the sky thinking seems to not be going anywhere. In case any of you are interested, here is an article that was published in a newspaper here. It speaks of racism in Malaysia. What one needs to understand is that there are three distinct races that live in Malaysia, of course among many others. The three are Malay, Chinese, and Indian. The rest of us fall into the general mix of' 'others'. As a Canadian, I don't fully understand the racism - we have so many races and cultures in our country, and would be charged with political uncorrectness if we openly dismissed one culture.. We do not have the same issues as here, but we Canucks are not free of guilt in that arena either. We only need to look at Quebec and the rest of Canada, or what we have done in the past to Aboriginals to experience empathy with Malaysians current issues. We as Canadians cannot walk away from this issue without some guilt of racism or cultural conflict in our past and present.
When you read the article you need to keep in mind that the three groups are all Malaysians. What may be confusing is the term Malay. If you try to find a definition of Malay you will find many different sources of that term. All depends upon the period of history where it begins. It does not matter, in my mind, which group one belongs to, they are all people, so are they not equal? I am not here to change the laws in Malaysia, but I am here as a Canadian, who, I hope, sees everyone equally. And that is what I am doing. Hopefully by example, I can help others to see the world in the same way. At least, in a community sense.
Once again, this article is for information only. It is not my opinion, it is not my article. It is a reporting of a survey. Hope it gives you understanding of life in Malaysia. It starts off with:
KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 22, 2006 (IPS) - Malaysia's first serious survey of race relations, in 50 years, shows that behind the façade of outward unity and peace, racism runs deep in this multi-ethnic 'melting pot'.
The telephone survey of about 1,200 Malaysians also found that the majority of the various races find comfort and security in their respective ethnicity and not in a common ‘Malaysian' identity, as the travel and tourism brochures suggest.
''The findings are not at all surprising,'' said social scientist Chandra Muzaffar. ''This is partly because ethnic boundaries are real in our society and almost every sphere of public life is linked to ethnicity in one way or another.'' By Baradan Kuppusamy
to read more, you can follow this link: http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=32593
When you read the article you need to keep in mind that the three groups are all Malaysians. What may be confusing is the term Malay. If you try to find a definition of Malay you will find many different sources of that term. All depends upon the period of history where it begins. It does not matter, in my mind, which group one belongs to, they are all people, so are they not equal? I am not here to change the laws in Malaysia, but I am here as a Canadian, who, I hope, sees everyone equally. And that is what I am doing. Hopefully by example, I can help others to see the world in the same way. At least, in a community sense.
Once again, this article is for information only. It is not my opinion, it is not my article. It is a reporting of a survey. Hope it gives you understanding of life in Malaysia. It starts off with:
KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 22, 2006 (IPS) - Malaysia's first serious survey of race relations, in 50 years, shows that behind the façade of outward unity and peace, racism runs deep in this multi-ethnic 'melting pot'.
The telephone survey of about 1,200 Malaysians also found that the majority of the various races find comfort and security in their respective ethnicity and not in a common ‘Malaysian' identity, as the travel and tourism brochures suggest.
''The findings are not at all surprising,'' said social scientist Chandra Muzaffar. ''This is partly because ethnic boundaries are real in our society and almost every sphere of public life is linked to ethnicity in one way or another.'' By Baradan Kuppusamy
to read more, you can follow this link: http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=32593
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Note to Self
Don't cut up watermelon just before lunch. I have a great clerk who chooses my watermelon for me and he is never wrong. Always, a completely perfect little globe of delightful, thirt quenching, satisfyingly cool refreshment . And I know he knows what he is doing, because I have occasionally purchased a watermelon in JB using one of the clerks there. Never the same result - in fact I tossed out more than half of the last one I bought there. My Kota Tinggi guy is the best watermelon chooser I know.
Anyway, I must not cut it up for the fridge and then try to eat lunch. I tend to eat half of the watermelon when I chop it up. I use a cleaver and chunk it into large triangles and then store in a glass jar in the fridge so I have a quick treat at my fingertips. There is always a lot of watermelon left on the rind when I do this, so I gnaw the pieces before I discard them. Leaving me with a full belly after this preperation for the days ahead.
Contrary to what you may think, watermelon can be cut up and stored for several days (except it only lasts a few in my house) without any loss of nutrients or flavour. Here is what I found on the internet regarding a study of this.
Anyway, I must not cut it up for the fridge and then try to eat lunch. I tend to eat half of the watermelon when I chop it up. I use a cleaver and chunk it into large triangles and then store in a glass jar in the fridge so I have a quick treat at my fingertips. There is always a lot of watermelon left on the rind when I do this, so I gnaw the pieces before I discard them. Leaving me with a full belly after this preperation for the days ahead.
Contrary to what you may think, watermelon can be cut up and stored for several days (except it only lasts a few in my house) without any loss of nutrients or flavour. Here is what I found on the internet regarding a study of this.
After 6 days, losses in vitamin C
were less than 5% in the watermelon, mango, and strawberry pieces, 10% in
pineapple pieces, 12% in kiwifruit slices, and 25% in cantaloupe cubes.
No losses in carotenoids were found in the watermelon cubes and
kiwifruit slices. Pineapples lost 25%, followed by 10-15% in cantaloupe, mango,
and strawberry pieces.
No significant losses in phenolic phytonutrients were found in any
of the fresh-cut fruit products.
"Contrary to expectations, it
was clear that minimal processing had almost no effect on the main antioxidant
constituents. The changes in nutrient antioxidants observed during nine days at
five degrees Celsius would not significantly affect the nutrient quality of
fresh cut fruit.
As for wielding the cleaver, I am totally impressed with my skills. For you who know my culinary expertise, I cannot dice with a darn. That is what a food processor is for, isn't it? Well, no food processor here, so I finally found a cleaver, and I can dice with the best. Must have some Asian ancestry in me.
Annie - thanks for the fodder for the blog
Reading an e-mail passed around joke is probably not why you are reading
my blog. But the one that follows gave me a chuckle and then I realized it
really is not a joke. A very similar circumstance occurred to me in Malaysia.
Minus the police car – the only time you will see one of those is when they
have a roadside check for someone they are seeking or driving at breakneck
speeds down the trails with one of the men in uniform hanging out of a door
with a rifle pointed at cars they pass. Sounds farfetched, but I have
experienced it all.
So, here is the joke, and my own experience follows. Once you have read
both, you can decide if the story/stories is/are something to laugh at, or
whether I should be given a flight home and have my license revoked.
Here is the joke:
Sitting on the side of the highway waiting
to catch speeding drivers, a Police Officer sees a car puttering along at 22
KPH. He says he to himself: "This driver is just as dangerous as a
So he turns on his lights and pulls the
driver over.
Approaching the car, he notices that there
are five old ladies,
two in the front seat and three in the
back...wide eyed and white as ghosts.
The driver, obviously confused, says to him
"Officer, I don't understand, I was doing exactly the speed limit! What
seems to be the problem?"
the officer replies, "you weren't speeding, but you should know that
driving slower than the speed limit can also be a danger to other
"Slower than
the speed limit? No sir, I was doing the speed limit exactly...Twenty-two
kilometers an hour!" ..the old
woman says a bit proudly.
The Police
officer, trying to contain a chuckle explains to her that 22 is the highway
number, not the speed limit.
A bit embarrassed,
the woman grins and thanks the officer for pointing out her error.
"But before I
let you go, Ma'am, I have to ask...Is everyone in this car OK? These women seem awfully shaken, and they
haven't made a peep this whole time," the officer asks.
"Oh, they'll
be all right in a minute officer. We just got off Highway 189.."
At the beginning of my adventure here, I had to drive weekly, in the
complete darkness of predawn - down to a God forsaken place that I had never
been to before. So, my virgin trip, in the dark, made me keep wondering if I had
missed the exit. Exit my foot! There are no exits here, just ends of trails and
all of a sudden you are there. Anyway, I was very concerned when I came upon a
round sign that read 90 inside the round border. As I whizzed past it (in order
to keep up with the 120 km/h drivers - actually not at all keeping up, just
trying to avoid them hitting my rear-end as hard as they could, I second
guessed what I read. There are few road signs to guide your journey, and those
that are posted tend to be willy nilly. You may see a sign as you leave a
larger centre that advises the distance to some faraway destination. Then
further down the road, you will see a sign again – maybe – telling you the
distance to that destination, and it is posted as “next”. It is not next; there
are about 6-7 other little places before. So, imagine what one thinks when
driving in the dark, and not knowing where they are going, and dodging lorries,
tractors, head on idiots passing whenever the spirit moves them, wild boars
crossing, and any other obstacle you can imagine. OK, so back to the trip. I
spy a sign that says 90, but I left Kota Tinggi on 92, and did not turn. What happened to 92? I cannot believe the speed is 90, no one is
driving even close to that speed – except for the tractors and the odd broken
down vehicle, but they are passed even by me! I finally find a place to pull
over – a school area in fact. No one there, as it is too early for school to
start. I do not have a map, because there are no maps available in Kota Tinggi
and at that time I was not brave enough to venture elsewhere to find one. I call Jeff. He has reached the destination
just minutes before my call. He is great for NOT LISTENING. So, decides I have
turned toward some resort. His instructions are for me to get back on the road,
turn right (supposedly in his mind, back in direction of Kota Tinggi) and then
find a place to turn right and follow the road. If I had followed his instructions,
I would have been on the east coast of Malaysia, somewhere in a resort area. Nowhere
near my destination. I ignored his message, turned off the phone and madam GPS and
tried again – following the route I was on. In less than a minute, I saw the
sign Rengit – my destination! What I saw on the highway was the speed limit. No
words, just a number. Not at all like a highway sign back home. But here, they don’t
use highway numbers; in fact, everyone uses the final destination of that road
as the name. So, 92 is Rengit road. My highway to work is the Mersing road,
although it is highway 3 on a map. But even the emergency people who answer
calls do not know highway 3. Good grief. So, in defence of the little old
ladies travelling at 22 on 22, I fully understand their confusion.
Plumbing Update
Got home from JB and went to an office where I had gone previously for screens. The receptionist speaks a fair amount of English - I needed a plumber. She called her boss, who called a plumber, who met me at the house. He looked anxious to rip up the floors in the lizard kitchen to find the source of the block. I haulted that action. Encouraging him to look down that nasty drain in MY kitchen floor, he armed himself with a flashlight and some kind of long stick - like those trash picker uppers that you see peole using on the street. And ta da, he pulled out a massive piece of plastic from the drain. Some moron had somehow managed to put this into the drain. They probably left that drain hole open. I not only cover it with the slotted cover, I also place an object on top of it. I do not want to see what might be in there. Once he removed the plastic, water flowed freely. Yay. Only set me back RM50. Of course - no receipt. But the mission was accomplished.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Does Anyone Know a Plumber in Malaysia?
I know there are readers from here - I often get comments from people that refer to what is posted here. So, I hope that one of those readers contacts me and tells me how to get a plumber. I poured a cup full of sulphuric acid down my kitchen drain last night. I was instructed to pour a huge pail of water down this morning. I hoisted that pail up to the sink and VOILA, the water went through the pipes - as it always does - down to the FLOOR DRAIN in the kitchen, and then STOPPED FLOWING, festering out from there, onto the floor, under the door, to the lizard kitchen and across that floor to under the door that exits the house. The kitchen sink (MINE) is still half full of water. And I now have a mixture of sulphuric acid on the floor mixed with God knows what, that is plugging my drains somewhere beyond where I can see.
Looks very much like the decision as to whether or not to go to Batu Pahat is made, just in case I was waivering. But I need to get food for the larder. A small watermelon is not going to sustain me for the week, and that along with a bit of laughing cow is all there is in the fridge. I feel somewhat like a person from my prairie roots must have felt so many years ago. Maybe just a little. I envision them making a list of supplies as they hitched up the horses to travel to town. Guess my journey is a bit different. I do have a car, a cooler, ice packs, air conditioning in the car, and a freeway to travel. But the need is the same. After all these years of evolution, people still need food on a daily basis, and the food is in JB, so the journey is necessary. Yes, there is food in Kota Tinggi, but I wont discuss that right now. So, a Jusco run, and then back to the homestead to retrace my steps to 'screen installers', who might just have a specialty in plumbing. Cant contact the landlord - he only speaks Chinese. At least that is what he leads me to believe. I am not sure I want to discover what is blocking this drain.
Looks very much like the decision as to whether or not to go to Batu Pahat is made, just in case I was waivering. But I need to get food for the larder. A small watermelon is not going to sustain me for the week, and that along with a bit of laughing cow is all there is in the fridge. I feel somewhat like a person from my prairie roots must have felt so many years ago. Maybe just a little. I envision them making a list of supplies as they hitched up the horses to travel to town. Guess my journey is a bit different. I do have a car, a cooler, ice packs, air conditioning in the car, and a freeway to travel. But the need is the same. After all these years of evolution, people still need food on a daily basis, and the food is in JB, so the journey is necessary. Yes, there is food in Kota Tinggi, but I wont discuss that right now. So, a Jusco run, and then back to the homestead to retrace my steps to 'screen installers', who might just have a specialty in plumbing. Cant contact the landlord - he only speaks Chinese. At least that is what he leads me to believe. I am not sure I want to discover what is blocking this drain.
today was productive. I did my work, delivered my logs to the goverment, and was successful in a number of tasks that were boiling on the back burner. I managed to find a hardware store on my way into town. There, I got the 'magic chemical' for my plugged sink. Instructions were to pour in overnight and then flush with tons of water in the morning. Yay for that one. Then, while there I found a garden hose and had the man put together the parts I required. It was almost perfect, but when I installed it at home, the connection spurted and splattered more water on me than on the patio. I guess I need to find some plumber tape to just cover the mess. Also the connection to the sprinker head could use some tape. Maybe, just a case of plumber tape will fix it all. After drenching myself I stripped off the clothes and smiled at my clean patio. Before going home I dropped into the farmasi and just at that time my Twinrix arrived. So I was sent to the clinic next door (one I didn't know existed) and was injected with the potion I requested. Off to the place where I pay my water and electricity bills. I give them a chunk of money every few months and it applies to the accounts. I still seem to be ahead with the water bill, so topped that and the other up so that I dont have to return until November. This probably does not sound very exciting to one who has every appliance and convenience at their fingertips. BUT, to me it is a stellar day in Kota Tinggi when so many good things have happened to me. I think I will celebrate by vacuuming the living room. Also a treat, as many people here to not have vacuum cleaners.
I was going to go to Batty Pahat tomorrow with a friend. We need to be at a meeting there Monday, so was just planning on staying over until Monday. However, after meeting with my government guy, he advised we should drive together to the meeting. (He knows how much I enjoy driving). In fact, he mentioned today that he was one of the MANY people who cut me off on the highway, and was blessed with one of my blasts from my horn with a 'special' wave from a digit on one of my hands. I guess he wants me off the road as a driver so volunteered to take me.
I was going to go to Batty Pahat tomorrow with a friend. We need to be at a meeting there Monday, so was just planning on staying over until Monday. However, after meeting with my government guy, he advised we should drive together to the meeting. (He knows how much I enjoy driving). In fact, he mentioned today that he was one of the MANY people who cut me off on the highway, and was blessed with one of my blasts from my horn with a 'special' wave from a digit on one of my hands. I guess he wants me off the road as a driver so volunteered to take me.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Fox in Socks
One of the books I received from Canada was Fox in Socks. Every child loves this book, and here it is a great tool for teaching the X sound. My problem is that someone has snagged it, and everyone wants it. I cannot read the book to the children because it is missing. If you wanna make some Malaysian children happy, you can either find it there in a second hand store and mail it to me, or find it and hold on to it until I get to Vancouver so I can bring it back. If that happens, I will not let it out of my sight. I promise!
Darth Vader of the Gecko World
You take your chances when you are a black gecko living in my house. I awoke this morning, turned on my bedside lamp, and espied some black thing in the corner of the wall, travelling downward. A rapid pace lead me to believe it might be another baby cobra. The corner location made me think he could not slither, but travel in a straigh path instead. So, the COCKROACH SPRAY was grabbed, and pointed at the black thing - spraying accurately, fiercely, and with determination to rid the beast from my home. Success was mine when I witnessed the black 'thing' drop a dramatic 8 feet to the floor. Remorse followed when I saw a black baby gecko laying on the floor. Guess these old eyes should don the specs before any murderous activities in the future. I wonder how long I am going to leave this one on display? I am hoping he dries up quickly and can be vacuumed soon.
As for the kitchen sink, I still ask around for the product to clear the drain. No success yet. But I will be going to Batty Pahat (my version of the name Batu Pahat) this weekend for a Monday meeting, so will see what they use in that part of the country. I do have options. I can use the 'lizard' sink, But I have made a deal with Gordon's cousin, so I cannot go there. I did however discover a bit of bravery I do have. Jeff was over for tea last night and took a peek at my plugged sink. I had poured the several kettles of boiling water down before he arrived, and it left a sludge of gucky water still in the sink - with a huge spider in it. Spider clearly dead - at least unmoving, he asked me how I felt about spiders. I admitted I was not attracted to them, but Jeff was asking this question while positioned behind me. I realized I was braver than he. I removed the spider, and then he was able to move closer to see what he could determine about the sink. Agreement was I need something to 'unplug' it. Big surprise.
As for the kitchen sink, I still ask around for the product to clear the drain. No success yet. But I will be going to Batty Pahat (my version of the name Batu Pahat) this weekend for a Monday meeting, so will see what they use in that part of the country. I do have options. I can use the 'lizard' sink, But I have made a deal with Gordon's cousin, so I cannot go there. I did however discover a bit of bravery I do have. Jeff was over for tea last night and took a peek at my plugged sink. I had poured the several kettles of boiling water down before he arrived, and it left a sludge of gucky water still in the sink - with a huge spider in it. Spider clearly dead - at least unmoving, he asked me how I felt about spiders. I admitted I was not attracted to them, but Jeff was asking this question while positioned behind me. I realized I was braver than he. I removed the spider, and then he was able to move closer to see what he could determine about the sink. Agreement was I need something to 'unplug' it. Big surprise.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
more Communication Miscommunication
Today I ventured out to find a garden hose and sprayer. Not an easy task, and I am home now without either. I had one for a while. Paid a grand sum of RM10 and now I know why. It kept exploding off the faucet and drenched me regularly. So, it went into the trash on Monday, and today, on my way home from work, I tried to replace it. No one has what I want. I have found various pieces of hose, but nothing on either end to connect or regulate. So, I mimed what I needed, and the answer was frequently my thumb and finger pinching the one end to regulate the flow of water. And a small pot or bucket full of water being poured into the other end. Why on earth have a hose if I am going to decant water from a bucket? From my cottage days I recall a wire clamp that you tighen around the end of the hose which joins a 'female' end that will screw onto the tap. None here in Kota Tinggi. Guess this is a much more sophisocated item than I realized.
here is my list of accomplishments and non-accomplishments:
Too much work this week to spend on finding a hose, but the weekend will be set aside for that.
Today I did get a call from a farmasi, telling me that they did get me some Twinrix (hep A & B vaccine). I then went to the doc that I had asked earlier and he was amazed that I found some and that it would be delivered properly (cold regulated package). So probably Friday I will get the final dose of that stuff.
My kitchen sink is plugged. I have poured boiling water down it - six kettles of the stuff, and it still does not run. It will empty in about an hour. And the sink is like a little bar sink - not huge. Many helpful friends have advised that I go to a hardware store for the product I need. I am thinking DRAINO but there is none to be had here. I even went to Econsave, and of course you know the line I get. It finish. You would enjoy the miming I do in order to get across what I want. I am so good at miming that anyone back home that wants to play charades with me will definitely want to be my partner.
This one gets a check and an X. I was passing a Samsung store - oops Shop, and saw a pile of phones displayed. My Nokia is functional, but I am going to get an arthritic thumb with all the txt messaging I have to do with the teachers and other mentors. So, trying to find a blackberry or some look alike. Samsung has something I might consider. I would have bought the bloody thing right then, but seems they were out of stock, and then when I said I would wait for a new stock, I was told that the model is discontinued. Arghhhhhhhhhhh. So will possibly go back on the weekend to see what stock is available and what it costs. The one I was considering was RM 299, reduced to RM279 (which is useless because there are none). And for some reason, the replacement model is RM199. I gotta see it - why would a new model be cheaper ?
Coming home from this unproductive hose venture was sort of amusing. There is only one road into downtown from where I live. It crosses the bridge over the river with one lane in each direction. The traffic flowing into downtown is gridlock at that time of day. Not sure why - I guess everyone likes to be seen downtown after 5 pm. Anyway, as I managed to scoot along the bridge fairly easily, I watched the two to three (all nonexistant lanes) lanes of traffic attempting to merge into one I could see a huge vehicle with blue and red flashing lights in the midst of all this, and sirens blaring. Completely stalled in the middle non existant lane, was the fire truck, obviously on its way to a fire or some disaster. Drivers, being who they are, kept their eyes forward, pretending not to see the truck and not letting it in to cross the bridge. Glad I was not waiting for a rescue from that bunch.
here is my list of accomplishments and non-accomplishments:
Too much work this week to spend on finding a hose, but the weekend will be set aside for that.
Today I did get a call from a farmasi, telling me that they did get me some Twinrix (hep A & B vaccine). I then went to the doc that I had asked earlier and he was amazed that I found some and that it would be delivered properly (cold regulated package). So probably Friday I will get the final dose of that stuff.
My kitchen sink is plugged. I have poured boiling water down it - six kettles of the stuff, and it still does not run. It will empty in about an hour. And the sink is like a little bar sink - not huge. Many helpful friends have advised that I go to a hardware store for the product I need. I am thinking DRAINO but there is none to be had here. I even went to Econsave, and of course you know the line I get. It finish. You would enjoy the miming I do in order to get across what I want. I am so good at miming that anyone back home that wants to play charades with me will definitely want to be my partner.

Coming home from this unproductive hose venture was sort of amusing. There is only one road into downtown from where I live. It crosses the bridge over the river with one lane in each direction. The traffic flowing into downtown is gridlock at that time of day. Not sure why - I guess everyone likes to be seen downtown after 5 pm. Anyway, as I managed to scoot along the bridge fairly easily, I watched the two to three (all nonexistant lanes) lanes of traffic attempting to merge into one I could see a huge vehicle with blue and red flashing lights in the midst of all this, and sirens blaring. Completely stalled in the middle non existant lane, was the fire truck, obviously on its way to a fire or some disaster. Drivers, being who they are, kept their eyes forward, pretending not to see the truck and not letting it in to cross the bridge. Glad I was not waiting for a rescue from that bunch.
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good nite. Time to count my blessings and prepare for tomorrow. |
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Dead Cow (not in the middle of the road) but I am sure it is stinking to high heaven
Saw of this one's friends on the side of the road. But not upright. Not sure who did her in, but she clearly was no longer with us. In the heat, a dead cow bloats quite nicely in a very short time. I have to admit that it was facinating to see the size of this dead beast with her legs splayed in all directions and poking out of her huge bloated body. I wonder if an explosion eventually results, and if so, what kind of a blast occurs, and how far does it travel. Other than that, an uneventful day of driving in Kota Tinggi. Lots of km burning up the highways. Pretty boring stuff when I have to write about dead cows. Sorry, no monitor lizards or pythons to report. But home now and ready to say good night.
I think there is a song about 'a dead cow in the middle of the road, and it is stinking to hight heaven'
Sunday, September 4, 2011
started a fire!
I seem to be getting better. After only an hour and a half, I have a small flame buring in the sate barbecue. I have possibly done a bad thing. I carefully loaded some wee scraps of briquettes onto the flame in hopes of having an inferno soon. This only required 16 wafers of fire starter too. You would laugh when you see the size of the barbeque.
I will or will not report the results of the exercise later. Internet is fighting with me - we have a rain storm going on, and that usually means kaput to internet.
I will or will not report the results of the exercise later. Internet is fighting with me - we have a rain storm going on, and that usually means kaput to internet.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Today is Sunday in my part of the world. As you, my friends sleep, I prepare for tomorrow - the first day back to school after a week break. I have decided to develop a phonetic seminar for my preschool teachers in my cluster. I will have to travel to each school between mentee visits and the afternoon TPD to see if they can come early and work with me. It would be so darn nice to have internet; something we take for granted in Canada, but we don't so no more snivelling. A couple of my books are perfect tools for this phonetic gig. Curious George is going to assist me. I will attach a photo of the books I am using, because if any of you see more in that series of George books, I hope they can make their way over here. They should be fairly inexpensive, and will definitely be cheap to mail, as they are tiny, thin books. I think my biggest supplier of books has gone on a cruise somewhere in Asia. But I am also hoping that her latest flood of books will be waiting for me at school when I arrive tomorrow. And of course, I cannot have a day without Dr Seuss by my side too. I know they will love this one, and phonetically, it does the trick.
There are 12 books in the George series, and I only have these two.
I also know that Clifford, the Big Red Dog has a phonics series as well. I could use those in a school other than Malay. So, if any are found, they would be appreciated.
Also a series of small paperbacks - I think there are 8
Now I am going to have a shower and get ready for my 2 hour massage. I think I deserve this, and know that tomorrow I will appreciate that I did it. A heavy week ahead of me as far as driving, mentoring, and co-teaching go.
For those not interested in Palm Plantations - here's some fluff
Today I am feeling rather happy because the local dermatologist seems to have found a solution to my hives and rashes. He believes I am allergic to the water. Not the best allergy to have, but what he has done is working, so I don't care. The water supply for Kota Tinggi and JB runs through my sleepy little city. That is why we have flash floods. Anyway, it is nasty looking water - kind of a grey greenish hue. So, in order to use it for washing and flushing - they treat it too heavily with chlorine. When you turn on a tap, it smells like you opened a bleach bottle. But it does keep the toilet clean. The doc thinks I am allergic to the heavy chlorine addition, judging by the rash and hive patterns on my bod, as he has seen similar cases with whities in the past. So. he has put me on a heavy dose of antinistamines and ointments which are already working for me. So today, feeling much better than I have in weeks, I decided that I should now try to get that last dose of my hep A and B vaccine. Not that easy here. They only have hep B vaccine. Just like guns in Malaysia (according to everyone, there are none here) except for the rifles I have seen at the hosptial, bank, and hanging out of a 'polis' car, there are no guns. And, so apparently, there is no Hep A - only in Thailand and Indonesia. Ya, right. So I wandered into the local farmasi (easy to read Malay huh?) and asked them to track down some Twinrix hep A and B vaccine for me. While there I asked if they could guide me to a massage therapist too. They gave me the usual wrong directions, but finally I found something akin to what they were describing and those people led me to Lena from Indonesia. What a great therapist!. She gave me a one hour tx and I am going back tomorrow for 2 hours. I just know it is the thing to get me back in the 'saddle' or shall I say driver seat on the highways to work in two days.
I came home to my marinating lamb (mutton) for my sate dinner. Lit the little sate barbeque and finally gave up. I just dont seem to have the knack for lighting these flipping coals here. Maybe if I start at noon I can get a flame going by dinner. I burned all my recycling paper, about a dozen firestarters, and still could not get the bloody thing to light. So for tonight I think I will just have a nosh on some pate. I have invented pate here. You cant really get pate. You can get some dog food in a tin, otherwise called corned beef. But when I bought one and opened it, it smelled very much like pate.There is a problem with this version. You need to decant it into a jar, and then refrigerate. Once in the fridge, it becomes a solid mass - just like Dr Ballard's, so warming slightly is required. That is not difficult here though.This hardening phenomenon has managed to stop quick little runs to the fridge for a quick nosh too. So, a little laughing cow, 'pate', and a slice or two of stale baguette seem like might fine vittels to me - with a wee g & t (therapeutic you know). As for the briquettes, they will likely catch fire around midnight when I am tucked in my nest for the night.
As for directions, I think I will either give a free class to everyone on prepositions of location, or else drop off a square box to every shop to let them practice prepositions of location when I am not there. I make a box for my students with them to practice in front of, behind, over, beside, across, on, and near. Maybe that will work.
I came home to my marinating lamb (mutton) for my sate dinner. Lit the little sate barbeque and finally gave up. I just dont seem to have the knack for lighting these flipping coals here. Maybe if I start at noon I can get a flame going by dinner. I burned all my recycling paper, about a dozen firestarters, and still could not get the bloody thing to light. So for tonight I think I will just have a nosh on some pate. I have invented pate here. You cant really get pate. You can get some dog food in a tin, otherwise called corned beef. But when I bought one and opened it, it smelled very much like pate.There is a problem with this version. You need to decant it into a jar, and then refrigerate. Once in the fridge, it becomes a solid mass - just like Dr Ballard's, so warming slightly is required. That is not difficult here though.This hardening phenomenon has managed to stop quick little runs to the fridge for a quick nosh too. So, a little laughing cow, 'pate', and a slice or two of stale baguette seem like might fine vittels to me - with a wee g & t (therapeutic you know). As for the briquettes, they will likely catch fire around midnight when I am tucked in my nest for the night.
As for directions, I think I will either give a free class to everyone on prepositions of location, or else drop off a square box to every shop to let them practice prepositions of location when I am not there. I make a box for my students with them to practice in front of, behind, over, beside, across, on, and near. Maybe that will work.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Blog Stats
I just got a message about stats from the blog. Seems it has been viewed 4009 times since it began. I guess I have an audience and I hope I continue to entertain you.
a closeup of the edge of a Palm Plantation - quick, because cobras are nearby
I developed a fancy schmancy slideshow of plantations in Malaysia, but this goofy blog does not allow slideshow uploads. One of those google 'things'. Only picasa can make a slideshow. So, for now, you will have to view a lower view of what I made. no bells and whistles hereThe liquid gold of Malaysia - palm oil berries, harvested and ready to go to the refinery for processing
A typical truck that I do my best to avoid, pass, and generally stay away from on my way to work. This is where they leave the plantation to begin the journey to the processing plant - at about 40 km/hr on busy highways. arghhh
the size of picture does not do the view justice. This is an edge of a plantation near one of my schools.
If you too are a stubble jumper then you can see what I see. Think of the wheatfields you have looked at all your life, and then think of these palms as wheatfields. They go on forever. I don't think I will ever tire of looking at this sight. And when the sun hits the fronds at noon, they are a magnificant magenta hue.
Main street in the Felda. These are the stalls where you can buy as much rice as you will ever want, the Malaysian version of junk food, and empty coke bottles filled with gas for your scooter.
This is not one of my schools. It is one I went to for a choral speaking contest. It truly is in the middle of nowhere. I thought that was where I worked, but this one is between my 'nowhere' and down to another cluster south of me. I take the road in the middle of nowhere, and then bravely taken another road off that, and then I somewhere ended up here. No cell coverage, and no serice stations except for one. I am still waiting for my Range Rover and Blackberry that I put in a requesition ages ago- but neither has been delivered. But as you can see, there are many cars - so it is possible. Maybe not in monsoon season.
These are the trucks that take the refined palm oil to packaging plants and then deliver them to the retailers. This oil is not the lovely coconut oil I have bought. That one is delightful to use, but I have no idea of how it is processed. I have not seen factories around my part of the woods. Even here in Malaysia, where they grow and process coconut oil, it is costly. I paid RM35 for a 250ml bottle. Imagine buying a bottle of coconut oil in Canada. You cant, because you would never be able to get the oil out of the bottle. You have to buy a jar of coconut oil in Canada because it is a saturated oil meaning it solifies at room temperature. When I bought my bottle, it was semi solid, but that is because I was in an air conditioned store. At home, it is completely liquid.
So, now you too know how palm oil is produced and where I work. Palm oil plantations are either privately owned or Feldas. Feldas are government sponsored projects - like a co op, which Malaysians are qualified to purchase together from the governement over time. Once paid out, they are the sole owners of the Felda (as a commune). Unfortunately, at least I think so, only Muslims are allowed to take advantage of that offer. Leaving Aboriginals, Chinese, and Tamils out of the opportunity.
My photography is not the best. If I had used the camera from Ry, it would have been spectacular, but it is not small, and I don't have a great deal of time between schools, so need to be quick. His camera will take a picture of a dew drop on a daisy petal from 5 feet away. The camera I used will not. Besides, when I am on a roadside and brave enough to stop to take a photo, I am watching for cars coming over a rise and ready to hit me, or worse yet, a cobra waiting in the grass to give me a nip.
My next photo essay will be one of the guys who use a weed eater to cut short the grasses and weeds that grow along the roadside. They are the brave souls here. The clip this down to keep the cobras in the jungle and plantation. They have to walk through the path they are likely hiding, so the garb they wear makes me sweat when I look at them. Tall rubber boots, long canvas pants, canvas or rubber aprons, long shirts, industrial gloves, and a towel or scarf around their neck and face. Now that I have described it, I guess you dont need to see the pictures.
Hope you enjoyed your lesson on palm plantations. If you want the slideshow I made, send me an e-mail and I will send it.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
had to use YouTube for this one
had to use this method to upload the video.
it is public but can only be found if you have this link
it is public but can only be found if you have this link
Tried to Upload a Video - but NO GO TODAY
My friends who moved to Negari Sembilan have been calling asking me to join them for the weekend. I am tempted – as they found housing in Melaka, which is where the three of us originally wanted to live. But, being the weekend ending Hari Raya, I am not sure I want to be on the roads with the locals. It is a 2 ½ hour trip on useless roads – or longer if some of those useless roads are broken, flooded, or otherwise compromised. Besides, I am kinda liking being at home without a lot of need to do anything other than read a book, clean the house, or just sit. I have become quite accomplished at just sitting. We have not hit the rainy season yet, but there have been some fairly significant rains due to heat during Hari Raya.
I finally took a look in the birthday present bag from them. It was an oleo of assorted things that Emma noted that I was fond of. Water – being number one on the list. She found a plastic water bottle – just like the ones you buy at 7-11, but this one has serious writing all over the label. It is some gimmick that sells you a bottle of water with a magazine printed on it. Sort of like a National Enquirer. Then, a lovely cotton knit blanket, compliments of Cathay Pacific. She has defended herself with this one, saying she never really takes things, she simply moves them around to where they are needed. Ahh, the best – a small packet wrapped in tinfoil. A wee slab of what we westerners call ‘Christmas cake’. I guess every culture pushes these things at the season of celebration, and Muslims are no different. I discovered that it tastes great with a slab of cream cheese dolloped on top. A beautiful gold printed KFC mug, which I would never qualify to receive otherwise. You need to order the family pack to get this delight as a gift. It commemorates the 500th KFC franchise in Malaysia. Some kind of plastic PAW that doubles as a key chain. The paw has a switch which when turned on is a massage tool. Wonder how I am supposed to use that one Guess I will experiment today. hee hee
Also got a call from another colleague who went to KL and was requested to pick up my big present. She was to go to Ikea to buy Emma and me lamps. However, seems that Ikea, just like in Canada, was out of stock of this popular item. So I wait yet again to get that elusive lamp for the living room. It will be so nice to have light other than the blazing fluorescents overhead. I might just have to get in the jalopy and pick one up myself.
Well, it has been an hour since I tried to upload a video, and still not complete. Tried last night for several hours to no avail. So, maybe have to see if I can find a parking spot at the KT hospital and try there. The broadband connection, which actually works off cell towers here, seems to work best there. I don’t like going there for internet as I have become known there. Why wouldn’t I? I was the whitey with dengue, and like 'Cheers", everybody knows my name. Doctors, nurses, and various staffers all come over to my car to ask how I am when I go for internet connections. Today will be no different.
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