VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, September 3, 2011

For those not interested in Palm Plantations - here's some fluff

Today I am feeling rather happy because the local dermatologist seems to have found a solution to my hives and rashes. He believes I am allergic to the water. Not the best allergy to have, but what he has done is working, so I don't care. The water supply for Kota Tinggi and JB runs through my sleepy little city. That is why we have flash floods. Anyway, it is nasty looking water - kind of a grey greenish hue.  So, in order to use it for washing and flushing - they treat it too heavily with chlorine. When you turn on a tap, it smells like you opened a bleach bottle. But it does keep the toilet clean. The doc thinks I am allergic to the heavy chlorine addition, judging by the rash and hive patterns on my bod, as he has seen similar cases with whities in the past. So. he has put me on a heavy dose of antinistamines and ointments which are already working for me. So today, feeling much better than I have in weeks,  I decided that I should now try to get that last dose of my hep A and B vaccine. Not that easy here. They only have hep B vaccine. Just like guns in Malaysia (according to everyone, there are none here) except for the rifles I have seen at the hosptial, bank, and hanging out of a 'polis' car, there are no guns. And, so apparently, there is no Hep A - only in Thailand and Indonesia. Ya, right. So I wandered into the local farmasi (easy to read Malay huh?) and asked them to track down some Twinrix hep A and B vaccine for me. While there I asked if they could guide me to a massage therapist too. They gave me the usual wrong directions, but finally I found something akin to what they were describing and those people led me to Lena from Indonesia. What a great therapist!. She gave me a one hour tx and I am going back tomorrow for 2 hours. I just know it is the thing to get me back in the 'saddle' or shall I say driver seat on the highways to work in two days.
I came home to my marinating lamb (mutton) for my sate dinner. Lit the little sate barbeque and finally gave up. I just dont seem to have the knack for lighting  these flipping coals here. Maybe if I start at noon I can get a flame going by dinner. I burned all my recycling paper, about a dozen firestarters, and still could not get the bloody thing to light.  So for tonight I think I will just have a nosh on some pate. I have invented pate here. You cant really get pate. You can get some dog food in a tin, otherwise called corned beef. But when I bought one and opened it, it smelled very much like pate.There is a problem with this version. You need to decant it into a jar, and then refrigerate. Once in the fridge, it becomes a solid mass - just like Dr Ballard's, so warming slightly is required. That is not difficult here though.This hardening phenomenon has managed to stop quick little runs to the fridge for a quick nosh too. So, a little laughing cow, 'pate', and a slice or two of stale baguette seem like might fine vittels to me - with a wee g & t (therapeutic you know). As for the briquettes, they will likely catch fire around midnight when I am tucked in my nest for the night.
As for directions, I think I will either give a free class to everyone on prepositions of location, or else drop off a square box to every shop to let them practice prepositions of location when I am not there. I make a box for my students with them to practice in front of, behind, over, beside, across, on, and near.  Maybe that will work.

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