VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, September 22, 2011

This is kinda what I look like these days - except I wear the tresses in a lovely ponytail. I have not had a hair cut since early January. I have never left it this long before, and the texture of cellophane, and look of candy floss is not actually very attractive. Add to the mix, some sun bleached strands at the ends, and I think I have painted a graphic picture of myself. Some have asked me if I dye my hair. Holy cow, a hair product company would be devistated if they had to claim my hair colour as one of their product results. No one would actually chose what I have on my head. It is one of God's gifts. hee hee  Lack of time, fear of no pony tail to keep me cool have postponed this necessity for ages. Why the big decision? I seem to have acclimatized - I am actually chilly these days. My new houseguest has a few showers a day, coming down stairs in sleeveless blouses, shorts and bare feel. I am swaddled in fleece tops, long pants, socks and shoes. I think I can let the pony tail go. Some of you have seen me with my Elvis 'do' by accident, so I am not worried about the cut. Hair grows. And Kiki has become familiar with my strands - she is the one who gives me hour long hairwashes when I need to relax.  It has slowed down regarding the falling out problem. I no longer have a brushfull that could make a wig each time I run a brush through it. I am also hoping that the expensive shampoo and haircut will stop that action completely.
The group at Choice should enjoy this afternoon. They all love to come and feel my ears and giggle. I think my ears are either extremely huge in their minds, or just funny looking. And of course, they all want to feel that caucasian hair. They will be fighting over the blow drying.
Wish me luck.

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