VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Darth Vader of the Gecko World

You take your chances when you are a black gecko living in my house. I awoke this morning, turned on my bedside lamp, and espied some black thing in the corner of the wall, travelling downward. A rapid pace lead me to believe it might be another baby cobra. The corner location made me think he could not slither, but travel in a straigh path instead. So, the COCKROACH SPRAY was grabbed, and pointed at the black thing - spraying accurately, fiercely, and with determination to rid the beast from my home. Success was mine when I witnessed the black 'thing' drop a dramatic 8 feet to the floor. Remorse followed when I saw a black baby gecko laying on the floor. Guess these old eyes should don the specs before any murderous activities in the future. I wonder how long I am going to leave this one on display? I am hoping he dries up quickly and can be vacuumed soon.
As for the kitchen sink, I still ask around for the product to clear the drain. No success yet. But I will be going to Batty Pahat (my version of the name Batu Pahat) this weekend for a Monday meeting, so will see what they use in that part of the country. I do have options. I can use the 'lizard' sink, But I have made a deal with Gordon's cousin, so I cannot go there.  I did however discover a bit of bravery I do have. Jeff was over for tea last night and took a peek at my plugged sink. I had poured the several kettles of boiling water down before he arrived, and it left a sludge of gucky water still in the sink - with a huge spider in it. Spider clearly dead - at least unmoving, he asked me how I felt about spiders. I admitted I was not attracted to them, but Jeff was asking this question while positioned behind me. I realized I was braver than he. I removed the spider, and then he was able to move closer to see what he could determine about the sink. Agreement was I need something to 'unplug' it. Big surprise.

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