VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

And Now, Tioman Island Adventure

I have to post this. We stopped for a quick bite before boarding the ferry. It takes 2 hours to get there, but the ferries here are nothing like the BC system. No cars, just a big boat.  So, the nice lady who served us also provided kind of a wax papery napkin, followed by her husband guiding us to a place to wash our hands after eating. Here it is.
It worked. There was water, and that is what we needed.

If I make it bigger, it squishes the rest of the blog. There were rules, so I guess that is where things are different than Tofino.  However, we respected their rules, and enjoyed everything we wanted to do. The rules were definitely clear and consequences noted if not adhered to.

OK, the two tarts went out to the back deck (a strech to call it a deck) because it was like being in a locker plant inside.  There were several men out there who chated us up, and Emma and I managed to find Travis some friends to play tennis, etc with in his new home in Melaka. So we did a good thing.

First things first, Travis went looking for a volleyball game, we snagged a table on the beach and had happy hour and wings.

Then back to our abode to talk away the night. Emma and me, that is, Travis hit the hay.
oops, this was the next morning - drinking lime juice on our deck. Guess I was too lazy to take pictures at night

Somehow I managed to climb up this rocky hill - like a mountain goat. I kept wondering how I would ever get down, but decided it was too late to figure that one out. So, once at the apex, I discovered that the massage room was actually a bloody treehouse. Good God, how was I going to do that?  The therapist was so funny. He said, yes yes, you can do this. Come. So I went. Once up there he expected me to sit on the floor of the 'deck'. I did, somehow, and then finally into the little room. Where he did his magic. It was incredible. He deduced I had some serious infection in my body. I explained I had recently had dengue. So, he worked on that most of the massage. And guess what? I could make it down. Down the ladder from the treehouse and down the nountaingoat trail too.
Now you get to see a picture of my therapist Anwar and his girfriend Ava.  Of course I have invited them to stay with me in Kota Tinggi as they frequently come to Singapore to renew her visa.

And then we had fresh coconut. This woman wielded a machette like a baton twirler in a parade. Would not want to be in her bad books.

Happy Hour Bar wherever we were
(couldn't find a US flag - but then they are not really fans of the USA- guess that might be the reason)

I loved this fishing boat. It was so colourful so I had to snap a memory

my photography skills did not do it justice, sorry

There you have it - my Tioman Adventure

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