VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

KFC comes through yet again!

I know that anyone I know back home does not admit to dining at KFC. However, if they were transplanted to Malaysia, they would change their tune. I have even been known to have a 'lunch treat' or more recently 'world hunger meal', which donates a portion of the cost to 'feed the hungry' program. Anyway, I arrived at KFC yesterday, crossing my legs and knowing I could not make it home before my bladder erupted. I also wanted some KFC coleslaw. What to do? Once home I would not make the journey back to KFC - it is all of 2 km.  So, found a parking spot, waddled in, and asked about a bathroom, After many mimes of what I wanted, I was instructed that there is a facility upstairs. Above the restaurant. Who would have guessed? I minced my way up there and oh my, there was a real porcelain unit, with t.p too - right there in the room.  I have not seen that in the sophisicated malls in JB.  There, you might get a real porcelain unit, but more likely a hole in the floor, and if you want t.p. you line up like a christian in a  communion line, for a piece of the precious paper dispensed by some woman at the entrance of the bathroom. Really! So, I was delighted.  KFC not only feeds me my rations of coleslaw, they look after my 'other' physical  needs too. I have a friend who owns many franchises for KFC in Canada. I must let them know that I am being looked after.

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