VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Packing, because I finally am moving to Ulu Tiram, driving because we had a day long meeting in 'Batty Pahat' midweek, and dealing with transfer of schools, and Jeff always over for tea. Those are my excuses for not being here. I think I am the one on the right. Jeff is the middle one, and my new house guest the one on the left. Most of you know what kind of accomodations we had when we began this journey.  My boss asked me if I could 'put up' the replacement mentor in my house - knowing that I would have true empathy for her and not expect her to stay in a 'hotel' here. No food in the barbie doll fridge, I took her to Rosemerah to dine last night, and brought home roti pisan for breakfast for both of us. I am going to have to figure out something for food things, or maybe not. She might just latch onto the meals she can grab in town, unlike my body allows.  We are going to all the schools today so I can introduce her to everyone. My plan is to do the head master/mistress rounds and then each teacher at each school. Then I will give them about 10 or so minutes to chat, while I give the students the choice of B BOOK (WITH BUBBLES) OR HAND HAND FINGERS THUMB. I explained to her the length of the book is all the time we have as 28 teachers and driving to each school takes a great deal of time, and we only have until the clock strikes 12 - big Mosque day on Friday and the schools empty completely by that time. Hari Raya continues, so this week will also end with one more Hari Raya gathering at the last school. Then tomorrow night I will be taking her to JB for the final Hari Raya party that my base school is celebrating at some hotel I also have to find. arghhh But I asked if I could bring her, since it would be a great way to introduce her better and get to know everyone in a social setting.
Lots of tears and sad faces as I met with each teacher this week. I have assured them I will be back, plus I have promised to have a big cheesecake party at my house for all of them mid October - as they all want to see where I live. I have figured out a way to go back once in a while. I am beginning a pen pal program between the schools. Some new schools of mine are Chinese and Tamil, so the kids can get used to writing and learning about other cultures. My big goal is to have a Canada - Malaysia pen pal program - but starting small.  I have not sprung this idea on the new mentor. She is looking like a deer in headlights just from the bit of information I have given her the last two days. So now have to don some frock and head out on my (our) way to the schools. I am sure she will not remember any of the driving, but I have made a map complete with pictures of landmarks for her work next week.

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