VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Today is Sunday in my part of the world. As you, my friends sleep, I prepare for tomorrow - the first day back to school after a week break.  I have decided to develop a phonetic seminar for my preschool teachers in my cluster. I will have to travel to each school between mentee visits and the afternoon TPD to see if they can come early and work with me.  It would be so darn nice to have internet; something we take for granted in Canada, but we don't so no more snivelling.  A couple of my books are perfect tools for this phonetic gig.  Curious George is going to assist me.  I will attach a photo of the books I am using, because if any of you see more in that series of George books, I hope they can make their way over here. They should be fairly inexpensive, and will definitely be cheap to mail, as they are tiny, thin books. I think my biggest supplier of books has gone on a cruise somewhere in Asia. But I am also hoping that her latest flood of books will be waiting for me at school when I arrive tomorrow. And of course, I cannot have a day without Dr Seuss by my side too. I know they will love this one, and phonetically, it does the trick.
There are 12 books in the George series, and I only have these two.
I also know that Clifford, the Big Red Dog has a phonics series as well. I could use those in a school other than Malay. So, if any are found, they would  be appreciated.
Also a series of small paperbacks - I think there are 8

Now I am going to have a shower and get ready for my 2 hour massage. I think I deserve this, and know that tomorrow I will appreciate that I did it. A heavy week ahead of me as far as driving, mentoring, and co-teaching go.

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