VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Busy with work but missing my kids

I dont recall the last time we actually spoke with each other, so it must have been a long time. Nothing like a mother whining on a blog to get attention from her children. But , why not.

Very busy with work today. I began the day with advising my base school Head Mistress that I will be moving from my cluster to Ulu Tiram next week. She did not receive the news well, and although I was flattered with her sadness, I too am not happy about leaving the gang. I assured everyone today that I will still be in earshot, and have no intentions of leaving them completely.  In just a bit more than 7 months we have built a friendship and bond that often never develops with others who you spend years with. They have taken me into their hearts, their lives, and their circle of friends, making me one of them.  Now it is up to me to be sure that I stay there in that capacity, and keep them with me in the same way. I spent the bulk of the day today with my pre school teachers in a meeting at the M oE. I did not think it was an appropriate arena to tell them about my leaving, so I have to face that music tomorrow. 

My job for the rest of this week, which is a short one, is to forge ahead, delivering the news and assuring all that I will still be available to their calls. I feel like a mother sending her children off to school for the first day.  You would think I was irreplaceable. By the way, I am not.  But I have been writing a list of notes about all my mentees for the new mentor. She might just turn around and leave if I get my way and bend her ear to all my blather and drivel. My mentees have adjusted so well with me in their midst, I want no bumps along the way to change that comfort.

Wow, this post was all over the place. Guess I am not really pining for the kids that much - I managed to fit in my feelings about where I work and who I work with as well. Now have to get back to work if I want this done by my Thursday. I also have friends thinking I will go to Melaka for the long weekend and dont know how I can do that with all on my plate right now.

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