VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hoe cut my hair

Like everything I do here, my hair cut was an EVENT.

Kiki, who I met near my begining of life in Kota Tinggi was arranged for a 2 pm hair cut yesterday. I arrived at the shop after settling my new houseguest into the house for a bit of rest and relaxation after a frantic day of school visits that had her head spinning.

Got to the shop and NO KIKI. Only the other person who I have seen there but never talk with as she has NO ENGLISH AT ALL. That woman's niece gives me the incredible hair washes that last one hour but she also was not there. I asked 'where is Kiki'. I got the usual wrist twist and muttering in something that sounded sort of like 'finish'.  No, I said, Kiki is not finish, where is she. Kept getting this message and gesture. I had psyched myself into a haircut after 8 months of scraggle hair, and I would not leave. Finally she found a picture of Thailand and then the calendar, and lines through some days, up until 27 September. I deduced Kiki went to Thailand for a vacation and this other one was to cut my hair. I thought = no, I need Kiki. But I could not wait another week.

So, we figured out something and I decided I have done worse - rememeber the Elvis 'do' I had.  So, I kept guiding her hand - shorter, shorter, shorter. Finally the finished product, and it is ok. Better than ok, civilized might be a good word. I will forgive Kiki for this one. But I was nervous. I am starting a new cluster of schools on Monday and did not want to look like a rockstar on my first day.

Tonight - another Hari Raya party in the heart of JB with my base school teachers, so I have to introduce my new mentor to them socially. I would rather be in bed but I guess there are some things one must do. And I was made to promise them all before they released their clutches from me yesterday.  Nice to be appreciated. Now I hope I have lived up to what they really think of me.  And do the same at the new schools if I am.


(could have been) Elvis impersonator

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