VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tioman Island

I spent the weekend on Tioman Island with friends. We had a long weekend, and at the last minute we all decided to go there. It was extremely relaxing. And with the people I went with, it was also very enjoyable. I will post more pictures when I get home from work today. Here is a view on the first evening we were there. Emma and I walked down the island to a small outdoor (like all of them) cafe for wings and fries. Such a very traditional menu of the island (not).

dos cervacas on the sand as we celebrated Mexico's Independance Day

If you have ever been to Tofino, it is much like there. This island is a land claim for the aboriginals here in Malaysia. I think they have done miracles with the resources of funding available to them. There are more upscale accomodations on the island, but even those do not compare anywhere near what Thailand offers, nor are they as affordable. Having said this, I am glad I experienced Tioman myself. Knowing similar places in North America, I was able to witness for myself, what can be done with very little capital. Like any island life, it costs dearly to have any amenities there - barging is the only option. So, with very basic structures and incredible beauty, we enjoyed our three days of paradise. I recall Emma saying something leaning toward a negative comment about the simplicity with a reply from Travis, "yes, I can see how you feel, being in this tropical paradise" And that is exactly where we were. With 'bird of paradise' flowers growing wild outside our little room.
I will try to post more photos after work today.

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