VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Own school visits

I set out on my own yesterday and drove right past my turn off. The trip is so short, I was zoned out until I got to Jusco, which is twice the distance I needed to travel. Found a U turn site and headed back. Other than that, I had an uneventful day at work. I am setting up meetings with each mentee for the next week. And then returning to Kota Tinggi daily to take in the mentee seminars for the implementation of year 2 into the program. It is amusing following the program - it is not only my words from the disc I gave them, but in the same order as well. Glad I was of help. My old mentees are probably feeling like they are having a flashback.

Perhaps I should bring back the GPS witch. She might have averted the missed turn. But then, probably not - I tend to block her and her excited 'recalculating' message she always gives me.

I also went along with the new house guest, who is seeking a residence. She is determined to live in JB, even though she works north and east of Kota Tinggi. Not sure how she is going to pull this off, as we have a limited housing allowance, and she has convinced me that she is broke. (hence - I support her here). Anyway, she assured me she had a map, but fully believes in the GPS broad. We ignored Madam GPS all the way to Jusco (which was the half way point to her appointment to view a place) and then I suggested she go into the book store to buy a STREET MAP. She said she would wait in the car for me while I do so. Lucky for me I did not bring a purse.After what should have been a 60 - 90 trip, but in rality was 30 hours - there and back, we found the 'gem' of a condo - perched between a highway on the right and a powerline (major grid) on the left. And of course, endless traffic speeding past the front - which is her view side. When she asked me my opinion, I said I am not the right choice, I don't like condo living. When Jeff was asked later, he said he wondered how long it would take to get cancer there.
I hope she takes it, even though it is out of her price range.Jeff, wisely suggested she find a homestay near the schools while she ponders this option if she does not take it. Once I regain my home 'alone', I am looking forward to breezes whafting through the upstairs rooms again - slamming open doors. The rest of the upstairs is stuffy with her bedroom door shut and my big fan blowing behind that closed door. I have a nasty sore throat from the air con blasting in my face in the car - new mentor cannot tolerate the heat without it. I am wondering what the heck is in the air con here that causes such a reaction. I have no one to blame but myself. I need to learn how to say what I need and mean it. always lessons to learn huh?

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